Receiving Location

The Receiving Location tab shows the 'todays' PO's  and the locations (doors) they have been assigned to. The dashlets provide analysis on the receiving locations for the site.


1. Location Statistics Today

1. The total number of locations for the site. Locations are added to MasterData > Contacts Module. This will tell you the number of active and inactive locations for the site.

2. The total number of locations available at the moment i.e., they are active locations that can be used.

3. The number of locations currently occupied.

4. The number of locations currently unoccupied.

2. PO Status Today

1. The number of PO's awaiting inspection for the day.

2. The number PO's which have completed inspection.

3. PO Progress Today

1. A percentage of completion for all the PO's scheduled for today.

Grid: Searching, Filtering & Sorting

Mountain Foods : Receiving and Inspection and 2 more pages - Work - Microsoft​ Edge
  1. Use the search bar to filter the PO's or search for a specific PO number or location etc.
  2. Columns can be sorted and filtered by clicking on the arrow to the right of the column heading. The sort & filtering options will appear. As this tab is specifically in relation to locations you can filter the location and location state columns.
  3. Use the arrows to move through the pages of PO records.
  4. By default when the grid loads 10 PO records are displayed. However, if you click 'Show 10 entries' you can change how much is displayed in the grid. Choose from 20, 30, or 40.
  5. Click View to access the PO.
  6. The Status column may show colour coding if the Purchase Order Status model was setup with colour coding for each status.


Mountain Foods : Receiving and Inspection and 2 more pages - Work - Microsoft​ Edge

The Actions drop-down allows you to work on updating PO records without directly entering the PO. It also allows you to make updates to multiple PO's at one time.

1. Click the row of the PO to mark it (tick the box).

2. Click the Actions drop-down and choose the action you would like to complete for the PO(s) highlighted e.g., perhaps the delivery has arrived and you want to receive it in, you can click Receive Delivery.

All of the Actions here are the same available on the PO's Today tab. Click here for more details on the different Action options.