User GuideMonitoringReceiving & InspectionAdd TemplateAdd Item Inspection Override Template

Add Item Inspection Override Template

The Item Inspection Override Template is used to configure the Item Inspection Override Record. There is no Item Inspection Override Program, just a template. 

Only one Override template can be set up per site.

If a template is already in place for a site, and a user goes to create another, they are brought to the Edit screen of the existing template.

1. Template Detail

Enter Monitoring Program Details
  1. Enter the name of the template.
  2. Choose an existing folder for the template to go into or create a new folder by clicking New Folder.

2. Template Specification

The Template Specification has four sections: Override Details, Override Quantity, Review & Approval and Decision.

1. Enable: Use this column to enable the fields you want to use. Some fields will be enabled by default, and they will appear dark grey.

2. Program/Model: When certain fields are enabled, they may require you to choose a specific model e.g., Override Status Model. If not, the field appears dark grey.

3. Default/Rules: The column allows you to set rules on the field enabled, is it mandatory in the record or non-mandatory. This column will also allow you to set default outcomes for some fields e.g., override decision.

3. Override Details

Use the enable column to enable each relevant field. In the override details section, the majority of the fields are enabled by default and set to mandatory. This is because the fields will be populated automatically based on what was completed in the inspection record. 

1. No.: This is enabled by default and set to mandatory. This will display the number of each test line.

2. Section: This is enabled by default and set to mandatory. This is the name of the section in the inspection record where the test that was marked to be overridden was located. It will appear automatically in the override record.

3. Subsection: This is enabled by default and set to mandatory. This is the name of the sub-section in the inspection record where the test marked to be overridden was located. It will appear automatically in the override record.

4. Test Name: This is enabled by default and set to mandatory. This is the name of the test in the inspection record marked to be overridden and will populate automatically in the override record.

5. Event Notification: If required, you can enable this field so a notification connected to the test that failed can appear on the override details. NoteCurrently Not Available.

6. Non-conformance Category: If required, you can enable this field in order to select from your non-conformance categories in the override record.

7. Override Quantity: This is enabled by default and set to mandatory. It will display the quantity inspected for the test.

4. Override Quantity

Enable Program Schedule

The majority of the fields in this section are enabled by default. 

1. Quantity Delivered: This is enabled by default and set to mandatory. This field will allow you to see how much of the item was delivered.

2. Override Quantity: This is enabled by default and set to mandatory. The field will allow you to define how much of the delivery will be overridden.

3. Percentage Quantity Override: This is enabled by default and set to mandatory. This field will allow you to see the percentage of the delivery which is to be overridden.

4. Report: Enabling this field will allow you to add comments/notes in the override record.

5. Review and Approval

These fields can be enabled if applicable. If none are enabled in the override record, there is no Review and Approval Stage seen.

1. Enable Internal Approval: This field allows you to set the person or group who will be part of the review and approval of the override. Use the Program/Model selector to select the default Employees or Groups. You can also choose to select from specific people involved in the purchase order:

  • Buyer
  • Reviewer
  • Inspector
  • Received By
  • Add Approvers Based on User Group Identifier and PO Buyer - This will look at the Purchase Order and the Buyer number defined. The system will then look at the Groups setup in Settings for the same number and if there is a match will take set the people in the group as the approvers.

After defining the internal approval, you can under the Default/Rules column if all people listed must give their approval or just one person from a group needs to give the approval.

2. Report: Enabling this allows for an open report field to be appear in the record for completing comments.

6. Decision

1. Override Decision: This field is enabled by default. Under the Program/Model column the Override Status Model will appear by default as there is only one model per site. The column Default/Rules allows you to set a specific default decision from the list built into the model selected.

2. Report: Enabling this field will allow an open report field to appear in the stage of the record for comments.

3. Enable Internal Distribution: Enabling this field will allow an employee(s) or group to be notified of the override decision made. You can also choose from specific people involved in the purchase order the override relates to such as:

  • Buyer
  • Reviewer
  • Inspector
  • Received By
  • Add Approvers Based on User Group Identifier and PO Buyer - This will look at the Purchase Order and the Buyer number defined. The system will then look at the Groups set up in Settings for the same number and if there is a match will notify the people in the group.