Add Purchase Order Template

The Purchase Order Template allows you to define the fields/information which will be captured in Purchase Order (PO) forms. Currently, only one PO template can be created per Safefood360 site.

Purchase Order records will populate in the system either manually by adding a PO record or through an API where the record will populate in the system with the fields in the PO record already filled in (With the API it is possible to setup which fields populate automatically, and if the record is added to the system opened i.e. just saved, or Saved & Submitted).

If a template is already in place for a site, and a user goes to create another, they are brought to the Edit screen of the existing template.

1. Template Detail

Enter Monitoring Program Details
  1. Enter the name of the template.
  2. Choose an existing folder for the template to go into or create a new folder by clicking New Folder.

2. Template Specification

The Template Specification has four sections:

  • Purchase Order Details
  • Purchase Order Management
  • Purchase Order Items
  • Purchase Order Status

Each section has a number of fields listed which you can enable/disable.

1. Enable: This column allows you to enable the fields you want to have within the purchase order. Some fields will be enabled by default and they will appear already marked with a tick and the box will be dark grey.

2. Program/Model: When certain fields are enabled they may require you to choose a specific model e.g. purchase order status model. If not, the field will appear blank and dark grey.

3. Default/Rules: The column allows you to set rules on the field enabled, is it mandatory in the record or non-mandatory. This column will also allow you to set default outcomes for some fields e.g. status.

3. Purchase Order Details

Enable Program Schedule

In the Purchase Order Details section of the template you can choose to enable what you would like to be able to see/complete in the purchase order record. Use the enable column to enable each relevant field. After choosing the fields you can set if they are mandatory to be completed or non-mandatory. Note that some fields if enabled will be set to non-mandatory by default but you can click to change it to mandatory.

1. Purchase Order Number: The field is enabled by default and set as mandatory as each PO requires an order number.

2. Order Date/Time: Enabling this field will allow you to set the order date and time in the purchase order using a calendar field and time drop-down. If the PO will populate in the system automatically, the system will use this field to mark the order date automatically.

3. Site Name: Enabling this field in the template will allow you to choose from your Sites available in MasterData.

4. Supplier Name: This field is enabled by default and set as mandatory. This allows for the supplier's name to be selected in the PO.

5. Supplier Address: Enabling this field will mean the supplier's address will appear automatically in the record after selecting the supplier (if the suppliers address has been completed in MasterData).

6. Supplier Establishment/Registration Number: If this field is enabled, any establishment numbers associated to the supplier in MasterData will appear in the purchase order as a drop-down.

7. Buyer Name: Enabling this field allows you to choose the Buyer (employee) who arranged the delivery.

8. Buyer Number: Enabling this field will allow the Buyer's number to be added. This can be of benefit if claims or override records are generated from the PO inspection records. The buyer number can be associated to a group of users who get notified to complete the review and approval stage of an override or claim record which generates from the item inspection record.

9. Carrier Name: Enabling this field allows the carrier's name to be selected in the record from the supplier list in MasterData.

10. Carrier Arranged By Name: Enabling this field allows you to choose from the list of suppliers in MasterData, so you can set the supplier who arranged the carrier.

4. Purchase Order Management

In the Purchase Order Management section of the template you can choose to enable what you would like to be able to see/complete in the purchase order record. Use the Enable column to enable each relevant field. After choosing the fields you can set if they are mandatory to be completed or non-mandatory. Note: In this section there are fields which have no default/rule of mandatory or non-mandatory. These are fields which if enabled will be completed by the system e.g. Purchase Order Inspection Finish Time.

1. Purchase Order Inspection Start Time: Enabling this field will allow the start date and time on the PO Inspection record to be captured in the Purchase Order record (the field updates automatically).

2. Purchase Order Inspection Finish Time: Enabling this field will allow the finish date and time on the PO Inspection record to be captured in the Purchase Order record (the field updates automatically).

3. Purchase Order Inspection Duration: Enabling this field allows for a duration field to appear in the purchase order record which calculates the duration of the inspection i.e., the time from start of the record to completion.

4. Last PO Result: Enabling this field will allow you to see on the Purchase Order Record the previous PO result for the supplier i.e., Accepted or Rejected.

5. Reviewer Name: Enabling this field will allow you to assign in the Purchase Order record the employee who should review the Purchase Order record.

6. Receiving Location: Enabling this field allows you to assign the PO to a location (door) where the delivery is to be received into e.g. Bay 2.

7. Created Date/Time: Enabling this field allows you to see/complete the date and time the Purchase Order record was created. If the purchase order populates in the system by way of API this will be the date the purchase order was created in Safefood360.

Purchase Order Items

In the Purchase Order Items section of the template all fields are enabled except for the last field called Report. Some fields are set to be Mandatory or Non-Mandatory by default. Item refers to material.

1. Item Number: This field allows you to see the code of the item (material code). Once you select the item name in the PO record its associated item number will populate automatically.

2. Item Name: This field allows you to see the item name in the record and it will be a mandatory field, meaning the item name is required in the Purchase Order record.

3. Program: The field will display the item inspection program the item is connected to.

4. Quantity: This field allows you to define the quantity of the item the PO relates to. As the default/rules for this is set to non-mandatory it can be left blank in the PO record.

5. Unit: This field allows you to choose from Units of Measurement in MasterData e.g., Boxes or KG. As the default/rules for this is set to non-mandatory it can be left blank in the PO record.

6. Cost: The item cost can be completed in this field in the PO. As the default/rules for this is set to non-mandatory it can be left blank in the PO record.

7. Buyer: The Buyer (employee name) of the item(s) can be defined in this field in the PO. As the default/rules for this is set to non-mandatory it can be left blank in the PO record.

8. Inspector: The Inspector (employee name) of the item(s) can be assigned with this field. As the default/rules for this is set to non-mandatory it can be left blank in the PO record.

9. Reviewer: The Reviewer (employee name) of the item inspection record can be defined with this field. As the default/rules for this is set to non-mandatory it can be left blank in the PO record.

10. Inspection Start Date/Time: The date and time the first inspection record was started appears in this field in the PO. It populates automatically based on when the Item Inspection record starts (Inspection Record Details stage is saved and submitted).

11. Inspection Finish Date/Time: The date and time the last inspection record was finished appears in this field in the PO. It populates automatically based on when the last Item Inspection record was finished.

12. Status: The overall status of the Item Inspection record(s) will populate in this field in the PO.

13. Result: The result of the Item Inspection record populates in this field in the PO (Accepted or Rejected).

14. Claim: The claim status for the items on the PO populates here. The field will show in the PO record if a claim has been raised for the item in the item inspection record i.e., Yes or No.

15. Override: Override status for the item inspection record populates automatically in the PO i.e., Yes or No.

16. Inspection: This allows for a link to the inspection record to appear at the end of each PO item.

17. Report: Enabling this field allows for an open report field to be displayed in the Purchase Order Record. This is the only optional field in the section.

Purchase Order Status

In the Purchase Order Status section of the template, you can choose to enable what you would like to be able to see/complete in the purchase order record. Use the enable column to enable each relevant field. After choosing the fields you can set if they are mandatory to be completed or non-mandatory (Some fields if enabled will be set to Mandatory or Non-Mandatory by default).

1. Trailer Number: Enabling this field will allow the trailer number inspected to be captured in the PO.

2. Trailer In Date/Time: Enabling this field will allow the trailer in date and time to be captured in the PO.

3. Trailer Out Date/Time: Enabling this field will allow the trailer out date and time to be captured in the PO.

4. Scheduled Delivery Date/Time: Enabling this field will allow you to set when the delivery is scheduled to arrive in.

5. Actual Delivery Date/Time: Enabling this field allows you to set when the delivery actually arrived in.

6. Received By: Enabling this field allows you to capture the employee who received in the delivery.

7. Checked Out by: Enabling this field will allow you to capture who checked out the delivery in the PO.

8. Status: Enabling this field will allow you to assign a status to the PO e.g., Passed Inspection, Claim Pending, etc. If enabled, under the column Program/Model your Purchase Order Status Model will populate automatically as there is only one purchase order status model per site. Under the column Default/Rules set a default status to appear automatically in the PO record, or it can be left blank.

9. Result: Enabling this field will allow you complete an overall result for the Purchase Order i.e., accepted or rejected. 

10. Report: Enabling this field will allow an open report field to appear at the end of the purchase order record for comments.