Get Started

Getting started with Safefood 360° is typically a three-step process. It is recommended that you completed the Initial Setup first, as well as the preceding two chapters in this manual before continuing.

1. Master Data and Documents
2. Programme Setup
3. Using the System

1. Master Data and Documents

The first step involves the building or uploading of your Master Data (Products, Materials, Items, Contacts, Employees, etc.) and Documents (SOP's, Records, Specifications, etc). It is recommended that you complete this Master Data building/upload first, as Master Data is used heavily throughout the system when building programs, completing records, etc.

You can either complete the building of your Master Data manually or speak with your Safefood360° Sales Representative who can speak with you about our Master Data and Document upload options, which will greatly reduce the manual effort required.

2. Programme Setup

The next step is to pick a handful of modules, for example, Internal Auditing, Calibration, Cleaning, Pest Control or Customer Complaints, and define your programmes. We recommend that you start with a few small modules to get accustomed to the system. This is one of the many great benefits of Safefood360°, you can convert over at your own pace and in your own time. The most successful implementations are those which are phased and supervised by a Professional Services Specialist.

3. Using the System

Once your Master Data and Documents are in place and some programmes have been defined, you can get to work and start using the system.