Add a New Document
1. Enter Document Details
- Enter the title of the document.
- Include a brief description of the document.
- Set the starting version number for the document.
- Click to select the document file from your computer.
- The module comes with a pre-defined master folder called Documents (shown with a grey colour folder icon) which you cannot change. You must place your documents within sub-folders under the master folder. Select the master folder called Documents so the grey line is on it, and then click New Folder and give the folder a name. You can create a sub-folder by clicking on an existing orange folder and clicking New Folder. Note: By default when you add a new document the main Documents folder will be collapsed and you will need to click the arrow beside it to expand and see all the folders already created. (If you are using the Supplier Management Module you will see a main grey folder called Supplier Files. This is where any documents collected from suppliers in assessments or audits (in doclists) will be automatically populating. Each supplier is automatically set up with a folder under this main folder Supplier Files and the documents are found in these folders.)
- The user who is adding the document will automatically see their name in the Responsible field. However, if they are not the responsible person for the document you can select who will be the responsible person. The responsible person will be the person notified when a management review record is due to be completed and if a document was rejected in the approval process and requires a change.
- Select the users that should review the document before it proceeds to final approval. This two-step approval is completely optional but can be useful if in your organization upper management wants to have the document proofread first by staff before they get the document for final approval.
- Select the users which are required to approve this document. Upon saving the document these users will receive an email requesting their approval. See the article on approving documents for further information about the document approval process.
- Select the users that should be notified by email anytime a change is made to the document. This feature is useful for keeping your team up-to-date on any changes to key documents like the quality plan, policies, SOPs, etc.
2. Enable Periodic Review (optional)
If you want Safefood360° to remind you about a pending document review at a given future date you can enable the periodic review function.
The record will open automatically in the management review module, but an action will appear in the actions tab of the documents module.
By default in the system, the responsible person for the document will be notified in their Actions on the dashboard that a document review needs to be completed. But you can enable the 'Send email notification' and select the user who should receive the email notifying them a document review is now required.
3. Document Workflow
Below is a flowchart that describes the workflow of a document and how a new version is added.
Note that if a document is Rejected or Disapproved, the state of that document will then become "Awaiting Change" and will stay in that state until a new file is added to the document and the approval process is started again.