Get Help

Safefood360° is a world-class enterprise software application backed by world-class Customer Support. Although the software is designed to be intuitive and easy to use there may be times when you would like to direct a question to the Customer Support Team. This could be to report a bug, log a complaint or incident, or simply to get help with a particular task.

There are several ways to get help within the software, many of which you will find under the Help menu.

1. User Guide
2. Customer Support
3. Email

1. User Guide

If you are reading this then you are probably already aware of the comprehensive User Guide you have at your fingertips. You will find a detailed step-by-step guide with pictures for every task and function you will ever need to complete in the system - and it's searchable too!

There are two ways to access the User Guide:

1. Navigate to Dashboard>Summary and click the 'Go To User Guide' button.
2. If you are in the middle of building a programme or want to refresh your memory on a specific module, and you access the User Guide from the module you are interested in by clicking Help>User Guide. The system will detect the module you are currently within and redirect you to the correct article.

Option 1: Dashboard>Summary>Go To User Guide

Option 2: Help>User Guide

2. Customer Support

The single most effective and popular method of sending us a question is by sending a ticket to the Customer Support Team. There are three ways to send a ticket directly from the system:

1. By clicking Dashboard>Summary>Email Support
2. By clicking Help>Email Support on the top right hand side of the screen
3. By clicking 'Help' on the bottom left hand of the screen

A 'Contact Us' tab will appear allowing you to type in your question, issue, request, or give us feedback on the system. Simply enter your question, issue, request or feedback and click the 'Send' button. This will log a ticket with our Customer Support Team. You will then receive confirmation that your ticket has been logged via email.

3. Email

Although we prefer Customer Support requests to be submitted using the 'Contact Us' Tab, you can email directly to send a ticket also. Simply send your question or request to [email protected]