How to Fill in the MasterData Worksheet

What is a MasterData upload?

A MasterData upload is the process of collecting information that is used as building blocks necessary for building programs and records in different modules within Safefood360°. The MasterData workbook, once completed, is uploaded to the Safefood360° system. These building blocks are then used when creating different plans or programs in Safefood360°. A successful and well-planned MasterData upload will greatly reduce the effort when creating programs with Safefood360°.

Note: Your site's MasterData workbook will be provided to you by your Project Manager during your Project Implementation.

How to complete the MasterData workbook

General Instructions

In the MasterData workbook, each tab represents a section of MasterData which can be found in the MasterData module in Safefood360°. The MasterData workbook allows you to upload the bulk of mandatory and some non-mandatory information within these sections of MasterData.

However, some non-mandatory information is not included in the MasterData workbook upload and will either be uploaded via separate workbooks during project implementation e.g. Supplier/Material Relationship workbook, or added manually by the User within each MasterData section at their own leisure. The sections of MasterData that can be uploaded via the workbook are noted under each MasterData tab explanation below.

For example, in the 'Employee' tab, the information needed to upload the bulk of mandatory and some non-mandatory information for your employees to the Employee's module in Safefood360° can be completed. Within the MasterData workbook, the first row or rows, in grey of each tab, are examples of a completed entry for that MasterData section.

The columns within the MasterData workbook refer to certain fields within the MasterData section in Safefood360°. Any fields within the MasterData section in the system that are not included within the MasterData workbook will not be included in the upload.

Columns in red text are mandatory information for upload. There should be no blank rows or fields in any column in red text.

Columns in orange text are not mandatory for the MasterData upload, but are necessary in certain situations if you would like:

1. A User to be associated with their Employee to receive Alerts from programs and records.
2. Supplier Contacts to be invited to a Supplier Portal to complete their assessments, e.g. full assessments, supplier corrective actions.
3. Supplier Contacts to receive Alerts for their assessments, e.g. full assessments, supplier corrective actions.

Columns in orange text are highly recommended for the smooth operation of your Safefood360° site.

Fields with an asterisk (*) contain drop-down values, see example in screenshot below. Options from the drop-down values must be selected within these columns. Text that has been typed into these columns and has not been chosen from the drop-down values will not be uploaded.

How to avoid and fix common mistakes

  • Ensure you remove the examples highlighted in grey in the first row or rows of each tab to avoid unnecessary uploads. Rows cannot be deleted within the MasterData workbook. Simply remove the text in the rows using the 'back' or 'delete' button on the keyboard.
  • Ensure you do not have any duplicates (product, materials duplicates, etc.), to avoid unnecessary uploads.
  • Ensure there are no blank rows between your work. If information is added under a blank row, the MasterData upload will stop at the blank row and not upload the information in the rows under the blank row.
  • Phone numbers should be entered using the full country code without any spaces or dashes (for example '+4985123123123').
  • The Email address should be entered in the following format: [email protected]
  • Each tab in the workbook has an optional 'Folder' column which allows you to organize your data into logical groups. You can use a back-slash to define sub-folders, e.g. Management\Quality.
  • Not all of the tabs need to be filled in. You can manually add MasterData in Safefood360° at a later stage if you feel you are not ready for that MasterData section upload yet. However, you should aim to add in as much data as you can from the start.

MasterData Tabs


Blank Employee Page

Employee Page After MasterData Upload

(Red) Mandatory information that must be provided:

- First Name

- Last Name

- Nature of Employment: Employee’s nature of employment is chosen from a drop-down list with two options 'Employee' or 'Agency'. If Agency is selected, you can then manually select the agency supplier in the Employee page once the MasterData workbook has been uploaded.

- Position

(Orange) Non Mandatory information but necessary for Alerts to work correctly:

- Email: Employee’s email address is necessary if Alerts are set up for the Employee to be alerted via email.

(Black) Optional information:

- Salutation

- ID: Employee ID or code, if applicable. If no identifier is entered then the system will automatically generate a number upon saving.

- Folder: Folders allow you to organize your employees into logical groups. You can use a back-slash to define sub-folders, e.g. Management\Quality.

- Address

- Phone

- Mobile

- Date of Birth

- Gender

- Nationality

- First Language

- Second Language

- Second Language Proficiency

- Commencement Date

- Note

Job Description

Blank Job Description Page

Job Description Page After MasterData Upload

(Red) Mandatory information that must be provided:

- Title:

- Description: There is a maximum limit of 255 characters for this cell.

(Black) Optional information:

- Identifier: ID or Code, if applicable. If no identifier is entered then the system will automatically generate a number starting from 1 and working its way up.

- Folder: The Folder is particularly useful for separating large functions in a company such as HR from Production. You can use a back-slash to define sub-folders, e.g. Management\Quality.

- Responsibilities 1-5: Up to 5 responsibilities can be uploaded via the MasterData workbook. However, more can be added manually by the User in the system using the 'plus' button once the MasterData workbook has been uploaded.


Blank Product Page

Product Page After MasterData Upload

(Red) Mandatory information that must be provided:

- Name: We suggest using the naming convention, “ID Code :: Product Name” as the search bar throughout the system pulls from the name of the MasterData section only. Therefore including the 'Identifier' in the name allows you to search for this as well. Adding the 'Identifier' into the name of the product also allows you to distinguish between products that may have the same name but different identifying numbers.

(Black) Optional Information:

- Identifier: ID or code, if applicable. If no identifier is entered then the system will automatically generate a number upon saving.

- Folder: The Folder is particularly useful for separating large amounts of product such as Chilled Products, Frozen Products, etc. You can use a back-slash to define sub-folders, e.g. Frozen Products\Raw Meat.

- Description


Blank Material Page

Material Page After MasterData Upload

(Red) Mandatory information that must be provided:

- Name: We suggest using the naming convention, “Material Code :: Material Name” as the search bar throughout the system pulls from the name of the MasterData section only. Therefore including the 'Material Code' in the name allows you to search for this as well. Adding the 'Material Code' into the name of the material also allows you to distinguish between materials that may have the same name but different identifying numbers.

(Black) Optional Information:

- Material Code

- Folder: The Folder is particularly useful to help you organize your materials into logical groups so they can be easily sourced. You can use a back-slash to define sub-folders, e.g. Ingredients\Sweeteners.

- Barcode: The Material Barcode is only used within the Receiving and Inspection Module. If you are not implementing this Module, leave the Barcode blank.

- Country of Origin 1-3: Up to 3 Country of Origins can be uploaded via the MasterData workbook. However, more can be added manually by the User in the system using the 'plus' button once the MasterData workbook has been uploaded.

- Description

- Risk: The Internal Risk of the Material can be selected here. The Risk of the Material from a Supplier is separate from this Risk.

- Risk Report


Blank Service Page

Service Page After MasterData Upload

(Red) Mandatory information that must be provided:

- Name: The generic name of the Service such as Pest Control, Calibration, Training, 3rd Party Audits, Human Resources, etc. This is not the specific Supplier that supplies you with this Service. The specific Service Supplier can be added in the Suppliers tab.

(Black) Optional Information:

- Identifier: ID or code, if applicable. If no identifier is entered then the system will automatically generate a number upon saving.

- Folder: The Folder is particularly useful to help you organize your Services into logical groups so they can be easily sourced. You can use a back-slash to define sub-folders, e.g. Training Services\Warehouse Training.

- Description

- Risk

- Risk Report


Blank Nonconformance Page

Nonconformance Page After MasterData Upload

(Red) Mandatory information that must be provided:

- Name: We suggest using the naming convention, “Nonconformance Category :: Specific Nonconformance”. This allows you to see the Nonconformance Category in the name of the Nonconformance.

- Description

- Risk

(Black) Optional Information:

- Folder: The Folder is particularly useful to help you organize your Nonconformances into logical groups so they can be easily sourced. You can use a back-slash to define sub-folders, e.g. Foreign Matter\Wood.

- Risk Report

Tip: You don't need a different Nonconformance for each product/material. The same Nonconformance e.g. "Foreign Body :: Metal" can be used throughout the system.


Blank Cause Page

Cause Page After MasterData Upload

(Red) Mandatory information that must be provided:

- Name

(Black) Optional Information:

- Folder: The Folder is particularly useful to help you organize your Causes into logical groups so they can be easily sourced. You can use a back-slash to define sub-folders, e.g. Personnel\Training.

- Description


Blank Brand Page

Brand Page After MasterData Upload

(Red) Mandatory information that must be provided:

- Name

(Black) Optional Information:

- Folder: The Folder is particularly useful to help you organize your Brands into logical groups so they can be easily sourced. You can use a back-slash to define sub-folders, e.g. Retail\North America.

- Description

Production Units

Blank Production Unit Page

Production Unit Page After MasterData Upload

(Red) Mandatory information that must be provided:

- Name

(Black) Optional Information:

- Folder: The Folder is particularly useful to help you organize your Production Units into logical groups so they can be easily sourced. You can use a back-slash to define sub-folders, e.g. Production\High Risk Area.

- Description


Blank Unit Page

Unit of Measurement Page After MasterData Upload

(Red) Mandatory information that must be provided:

- Name

- Sub Units

(Black) Optional Information:

- Folder: The Folder is particularly useful to help you organize your Unit of Measurement into logical groups so they can be easily sourced. You can use a back-slash to define sub-folders, e.g. Weight\Pallet.

- Description


Blank Customer Page

Customer Page After MasterData Upload

(Red) Mandatory information that must be provided:

- Name: The name of the Customer. We suggest using the naming convention, “Identifier :: Customer Name” as the search bar throughout the system pulls from the name of the MasterData section only. Therefore including the 'Identifier' in the name allows you to search for this as well. Adding the 'Identifier' into the name of the Customer also allows you to distinguish between Customers that may have the same name but different identifying numbers. The Customer location can also be included in the naming convention if you have the same Customer located in different countries/states, e.g. "Identifier :: Customer Name :: Location".

(Orange) Non Mandatory information but useful information to have:

- Salutation

- First Name

- Last Name

- Email

(Black) Optional Information:

- Identifier: ID or code, if applicable. If no identifier is entered then the system will automatically generate a number upon saving.

- Folder: The Folder is particularly useful to help you organize your Customers into logical groups so they can be easily sourced. You can use a back-slash to define sub-folders, e.g. Retail\North America.

- Address

- Town/City

- State/Region

- Postcode

- Country

- Telephone

- Fax

- Contact Position

- Contact 24 Hour

- Customer Note


Tip: If a Supplier has multiple Contacts that you wish to upload via the MasterData workbook, simply copy the Supplier information from columns A - L and S down as many rows as you would like to add Contacts within. The different Contact information can then be added into these extra rows. The system will know due to the copied information from columns A - L and S, that is the one Supplier but with multiple contacts, not multiple different Suppliers.

Example in Screenshot above rows 3 - 5.

Blank Supplier Page

Supplier Page After MasterData Upload

(Red) Mandatory information that must be provided:

- Name: The name of the Supplier. We suggest using the naming convention, “Identifier :: Supplier Name” as the search bar throughout the system pulls from the name of the MasterData section only. Therefore including the 'Identifier' in the name allows you to search for this as well. Adding the 'Identifier' into the name of the Supplier also allows you to distinguish between Suppliers that may have the same name but different identifying numbers. The Supplier location can also be included in the naming convention if you have the same Supplier located in different countries/states, e.g. "Identifier :: Supplier Name :: Location".

(Orange) Non Mandatory information but necessary for the Supplier Portal:

- Contact Salutation

- Contact First Name

- Contact Last Name

- Contact Email: Supplier contact email will be used for system email notifications and alerts that are sent to the Supplier contact.

(Black) Optional Information:

- Identifier: ID or code, if applicable. If no identifier is entered then the system will automatically generate a number upon saving.

- Folder: The Folder is particularly useful to help you organize your Supplier into logical groups so they can be easily sourced. You can use a back-slash to define sub-folders, e.g. Raw Materials\Dried Fruit.

- Reference

- Address

- Town/City

- State/Region

- Post Code

- Country

- Telephone

- Fax

- Direct Dial

- Contact Position

- Contact 24 Hour: Should contain a full phone number (with country code). This phone number is used when SMS Alerts are being sent to the Supplier contact.

- Supplier Note.

Tip: Ensure to include all Supplier Types (Manufacturers, Agents and Brokers, etc.) into your Supplier Tab in the MasterData workbook Tab. Although Supplier Relationships/Connections are not completed within the MasterData workbook, these connections can be made later (Through the Supplier/Material Relationship workbook during Implementation Projects, or manually by the User on the Supplier MasterData Page).

If a Supplier has multiple locations, a naming convention can be created to create a Supplier Entity for each location, and creating a 'Corporate' Supplier as a 'Parent' Supplier with all Supplier locations as 'Children' Suppliers.


Blank Organisation Page

Organisation Page After MasterData Upload

(Red) Mandatory information that must be provided:

- Name

(Orange) Non Mandatory information but useful information to have:

- Contact Salutation

- Contact First Name

- Contact Last Name

- Contact Email

(Black) Optional Information:

- Identifier: ID or code, if applicable. If no identifier is entered then the system will automatically generate a number upon saving.

- Folder: The Folder is particularly useful to help you organize your Organizations into logical groups so they can be easily sourced. You can use a back-slash to define sub-folders, e.g. Local Authority\Emergency.

- Address

- Town/City

- State/Region

- Post Code

- Country

- Telephone

- Fax

- Contact Position

- Contact 24 Hour

- Organisation Note


Blank Site Page

Site Page After MasterData Upload

(Red) Mandatory information that must be provided:

- Name

(Orange) Non Mandatory information but useful information to have:

- Contact Salutation

- Contact First Name

- Contact Last Name

- Contact Email

(Black) Optional Information:

- Identifier: ID or code, if applicable. If no identifier is entered then the system will automatically generate a number upon saving.

- Folder: The Folder is particularly useful to help you organize your Sites into logical groups so they can be easily sourced. You can use a back-slash to define sub-folders, e.g. Packaging\North America.

- Address

- Town/City

- State/Region

- Post Code

- Country

- Telephone

- Fax

- Direct Dial

- Contact Position

- Contact 24 Hour

- Site Note


Blank Items Page

Items Page After MasterData Upload

(Red) Mandatory information that must be provided:

- Name: We suggest using the naming convention, “Identifier :: Item Name" as the search bar throughout the system pulls from the name of the MasterData section only. Therefore including the 'Identifier' in the name allows you to search for this as well. Adding the 'Identifier' into the name of the Item also allows you to distinguish between Items that may have the same name but different identifying numbers. If your Item has a Serial Number, you can also add this into your naming convention to allow you to search for this in the search bar, e.g. “Identifier :: Item Name :: Serial Number".

(Black) Optional Information:

- Identifier: ID or code, if applicable. If no identifier is entered then the system will automatically generate a number upon saving.

- Folder: The Folder is particularly useful to help you organize your Items into logical groups so they can be easily sourced. You can use a back-slash to define sub-folders, e.g. Equipment\Metal Detectors.

- Serial No

- Location

- Notes

Supplier Category

Blank Supplier Category Page

Supplier Cateogry Page After MasterData Upload

(Red) Mandatory information that must be provided:

- Name

(Black) Optional Information:

- Folder: The Folder is particularly useful to help you organize your Supplier Categories into logical groups so they can be easily sourced. You can use a back-slash to define sub-folders, e.g. Raw Material\Meat.

- Description

Material Category

Blank Material Category Page

Material Category Page After MasterData Upload

(Red) Mandatory information that must be provided:

- Name

(Black) Optional Information:

- Folder: The Folder is particularly useful to help you organize your Material Categories into logical groups so they can be easily sourced. You can use a back-slash to define sub-folders, e.g. Raw Material\Meat.

- Description


Blank Cost/Losses Page

Cost/Losses Page After MasterData Upload

(Red) Mandatory information that must be provided:

- Name

(Black) Optional Information:

- Folder: The Folder is particularly useful to help you organize your Costs/Losses into logical groups so they can be easily sourced. You can use a back-slash to define sub-folders, e.g. Loss\Hours.

- Description

Supplier Type

Blank Supplier Type Page

Supplier Type Page After MasterData Upload

(Red) Mandatory information that must be provided:

- Name

(Black) Optional Information:

- Folder: The Folder is particularly useful to help you organize your Supplier Type into logical groups so they can be easily sourced. You can use a back-slash to define sub-folders.

- Description

Customer Category

Blank Customer Category Page

Customer Category Page After MasterData Upload

(Red) Mandatory information that must be provided:

- Name

(Black) Optional Information:

- Folder: The Folder is particularly useful to help you organize your Customer Categories into logical groups so they can be easily sourced. You can use a back-slash to define sub-folders, e.g. Retail\Grocery.

- Description

Product Category

Blank Product Category Page

Product Category Page After MasterData Upload

(Red) Mandatory information that must be provided:

- Name

(Black) Optional Information:

- Folder: The Folder is particularly useful to help you organize your Product Categories into logical groups so they can be easily sourced. You can use a back-slash to define sub-folders, e.g. Raw Material\Meat.

- Description

Site Category

Blank Site Category Page

Site Category Page After MasterData Upload

(Red) Mandatory information that must be provided:

- Name

(Black) Optional Information:

- Folder: The Folder is particularly useful to help you organize your Site Categories into logical groups so they can be easily sourced. You can use a back-slash to define sub-folders, e.g. Manufacturing\Raw Material.

- Description


Blank Country Page

Country Page After MasterData Upload

(Red) Mandatory information that must be provided:

- Name

(Black) Optional Information:

- Folder: The Folder is particularly useful to help you organize your Countries into logical groups so they can be easily sourced. You can use a back-slash to define sub-folders, e.g. America\North America.

- Description


Blank Region Page

Region Page After MasterData Upload

(Red) Mandatory information that must be provided:

- Name

(Black) Optional Information:

- Folder: The Folder is particularly useful to help you organize your Regions into logical groups so they can be easily sourced. You can use a back-slash to define sub-folders.

- Description

Process Operation

Blank Process Operation Page

Process Operation Page After MasterData Upload

(Red) Mandatory information that must be provided:

- Name

(Black) Optional Information:

- Folder: The Folder is particularly useful to help you organize your Process Operations into logical groups so they can be easily sourced. You can use a back-slash to define sub-folders, e.g. Manufacturing\Cutting.

- Description

Open Data Test

Depending on the 'OpenData Type' you have selected in column E, you will be required to fill out different information within the MasterData workbook for that particular OpenData Test Type. OpenData Tests are rarely mass uploaded via the MasterData workbook, as OpenData Tests are usually built alongside the building of Monitoring and Receiving Programs in Safefood360°. During the implementation of a PS Project, the uploading/building of OpenData Tests will be explained further by your Project Manager.

Note: The 'Barcode Field' OpenData Test cannot be uploaded via the MasterData workbook. This must be done manually. The Barcode Field Test can only be used within the Receiving and Inspection Module.

Attribute Test

Attribute Tests are rarely mass uploaded via the MasterData workbook, as Attribute Tests are usually built alongside the building of Monitoring and Receiving Programs in Safefood360°. During the implementation of a PS Project, the uploading/building of Attribute Tests will be explained further by your Project Manager.

Note: Although not shown in the MasterData workbook screenshot above, up to 19 Specifications can be added to an Attribute Test via the MasterData workbook.

Variable Test

Depending on the 'Test Configuration' you have selected in column F, you will be required to fill out different information within the MasterData workbook for that particular Variable Test Type. Variable Tests are rarely mass uploaded via the MasterData workbook, as Variable Tests are usually built alongside the building of Monitoring and Receiving Programs in Safefood360°. During the implementation of a PS Project, the uploading/building of Variable Tests will be explained further by your Project Manager.

Note: The 'Differential Date' Variable Single Data Test cannot be uploaded via the MasterData workbook. This must be done manually. The Differential Date Variable Single Data Test can only be used within the Receiving and Inspection Module.