User GuideUtilitiesReportsSelf Service Tool Module GuidesSelf Service Tool- Calibration Programme Module

Self Service Tool- Calibration Programme Module

This guide is to outline the options within the Self-Service Tool when creating a report for the Calibration Programme Module. Below, each option on the left-hand side of the report builder is outlined in relation to this module.

Basis of Calibration

Basis of Calibration Name: This refers to information from the Basis of Calibration section within a Calibration Programme.  

Created Date

Created Date: This refers to the date on which a Calibration Programme was created. This can be seen in the Calibration Module under the Plan tab or via the Audit Log.


  1. Item Code: The code of the item which your Calibration Programme refers to.
  2. Item Folder: The name of the folder in which the item is located. You may choose to filter by Item Folder.
  3. Item Name: The name of the item within the Calibration Programme 
  4. Item Serial Number: The Serial Number of the item within the Calibration Programme.

    The item can be seen within the Calibration Module under the plan tab. The above information relating to the item can be found in MasterData > Items. If you access the Item then click Action > Edit you will be able to see more information


  1. Last Completed Date: The date on which a record created from the Calibration Programme was last completed.
  2. Last Conducted Date: The date on which a record created from the Calibration Programme was last conducted.
  3. Next Due Date: The date on which the next record is due. This will apply if the Programme scheduler is set to trigger a new record periodically. The scheduler can be accessed when editing/creating a new Calibration Programme.

    The above can be located in the Calibration module under the Plan tab. You can also access this information within a Calibration Programme via Actions > Audit log.


  1. Document Folder: The name of the Folder in which the Procedure associated with your Calibration Programme is located. 
  2. Document Folder Path: The Folder Path taken to locate the Procedure associated with your Calibration Programme.
  3. Document Name: The name of the Procedure associated with the Calibration Programme.

    The Procedure Document can be located in the Documents module.


  1. Basis Details: Any details listed next to the Basis of Calibration.
  2. Calibration Type: This refers to the Calibration Type shown in the Programme.
  3. Is Archived: Allows you to see whether the record is archived. You may want to filter your report with this field. Archived records can be seen via PRP Control > Calibration > Plan tab > Toggle 'Archive: On'.
  4. Is Deleted: Allows you to see deleted records.
  5. Program Name: The name of your Calibration Programme.
  6. Repeat Interval: The interval at which your Calibration Program is set to repeat. This is set up via the scheduler within a Calibration Program. 
  7. Risk- The risk associated with the Calibration Program e.g. Low, Medium, or High.
  8. Risk Description: The description of the risk associated with the Calibration Programme.
  9. Send Email Notification: This refers to the scheduler, is it set up so that email alerts are sent out? (Yes/No).
  10. Total Risk Value: The total risk value of the Calibration Programme.
  11. Unit: The unit of measurement associated with the Calibration Programme.
  12. Action Notice Days: The Action Notice Days can be seen in the scheduler, within a Calibration Program and is the number of days a record is open before a notification is sent.
  13. Increment: The increment shown in the Calibration Programme.
  14. Program Number: Refers to the Program number, which can be seen in the Calibration Module under Plan.
  15. Range From: The lowest number of the Range from the Calibration Programme.
  16. Range To: The highest number of the Range from the Calibration Programme.
  17. Repeat Frequency: At what frequency is the programme scheduled to generate a new record. For example if the repeat interval is ‘years’ then the frequency may be ‘1’.
  18. Program (Count): Refers to the number of records created from the Calibration Programme. This can be seen by opening a Calibration Program and expanding the ‘Programme Record’ section.

Program Point

  1. Column Order: The order in which the Lower Tolerance, Point and Upper Tolerance are listed in the Calibration Program.
  2. Lower Tolerance: The Lower Tolerance of the Calibration Point.
  3. Point: This refers to the Point of Calibration.
  4. Upper Tolerance: The Upper Tolerance of the Calibration Point.

The above information can be located within a Calibration Program under ‘Specification’. You may want to filter by these measures or add them as fields to your report.


  1. Responsible Folder: The folder in which the Employee responsible for your Calibration Program can be located. 
  2. Responsible Folder Path: The path taken to locate the Employee responsible for your Calibration Programme.
  3. Responsible Name: The name of the Employee responsible for your Calibration Programme.

The Responsible user can be seen within a Calibration Programme under ‘Responsible’. The Folder and Folder Path can be seen within the user’s Employee Page via MasterData > Employees.


Site Name: Allows you to add the name of each of your Sites to your report or filter your report by site (Only applicable if you have multiple sites within Safefood 360).


  1. User Filter: This refers to whether user filter is applied or not.
  2. Measure Names: Refers to the names of measures used in the module.
  3. Measure Values: Refers to values used in the module.