Supplier Management Module Reports

In the Supplier Management Module reports can be easily accessed from the last tab in the module called Report. Reports are categorised into 3 types: Performance reports, Report Registers and Data Export (excel reports).

Data Export Reports, specifically the reports numbered 8-11 below, provide a good insight into supplier management data and the exports allow for further filtering of the data.

Performance Reports

Performance reports are graphs and analyze record data.

1. The supplier scorecard report allows you to generate a report rating percentage for a selected supplier and set a specific time-frame for the data displayed in the report. The report displays analysis on the supplier's corrective actions, non-conformances, and complaints.

2. Approvals by Supplier Report shows how many suppliers have been approved for a set time-frame.

3. Approval per Type displays how many supplier approvals there has been per month for the time-frame selected. Choose from supplier assessments or supplier audits.

4. Risk Assessments per Supplier report allows you to filter by a specific supplier to see how many risk assessments were conducted for the time-frame selected.

5. Risk Assessments per Result report allows you to see how many low, medium, high risk assessments were completed per month.

6. The Corrective Actions per Supplier report show for the set time frame how many supplier corrective actions have been generated per month per supplier. There is a filter option to filter by a specific supplier.

Report Registers

Register reports show registers/lists of records by status/type.

1. Approval by Supplier report allows you to see for the set time-frame the full assessment and supplier audit records completed for suppliers (or specific supplier) and the status of the supplier from the records i.e., approved or not approved.

2. Approval by Type report shows for the set-time frame the supplier's which have been approved and the type of record which the approval was set in i.e., supplier audit or full assessment.

3. Approval by Status report displays for the set time-frame the approval status of suppliers by status i.e. approved, or not approved.

4. Approval by Category report allows you to filter by a supplier folder (category) to see the type of record completed for the supplier and the approval status. The report also allows you to filter by username i.e. the user assigned to the document approval for the supplier.

5. Risk Assessments by Supplier report shows the risk assigned to a supplier from the record called 'Risk Assessment'.

6. Risk Assessments by Risk Result report allows you to filter by risk i.e. low, medium or high, to see the risk (from the record called Risk Assessment) assigned to a supplier.

7. Approved Supplier List report shows all supplier that have been last approved in the system. The report shows the parent of the approved supplier and details such as the suppliers address, when an assessment was last conducted on the supplier, the risk of the supplier from the last assessment record, scope of approval from the most recent assessment and scope from the most recent audit. The report contains a link to the assessment record and who is part of the supplier document approval workflow which is also a filter option (Document Workflow User).

8. Supplier Document Folder Reconciliation report shows a list of documents for a supplier which are in a specific folder path but the supplier now has a different document folder path where all documents collected from the supplier are being added to.

9. Supplier Document Folder Blank or Not Matching allows you to see if a supplier has no document folder created for them i.e. blank, or the document folder created for the supplier doesn't match with the suppliers name.

10. Approved Supplier List Materials report allows you to see all materials which have been approved through assessments and the name of the supplier the material was approved for and any supplier relationships.

11. User Invitation report allows you to see for each solution you have, who has been invited to the solution and which are still pending acceptance, who accepted the invite and is a user, and which invites have expired are require resending. Filter by site, solution e.g. supplier portal, and view i.e. you want to see all expired invites that need to be resent. A link to the invite is available in the report so you can quickly access the invite and resend where required.

12. Control Planning SQM Assessments report allows you to see all the control planning details completed in full assessments for suppliers saving time rather than looking into each assessment. A link to the assessment record is available in the report.

Data Export

Data export allows you to export to your supplier management data which can then be used for further reporting and analysis. Report numbers 8-11 provide a good insight into supplier documents, supplier actions, supplier audits and material non-conformances linked to supplier corrective actions.

1.  The Export to Excel report extracts into separate tabs supplier audit programmes, supplier audit records, full assessment programmes (supplier and material), full assessment records, and supplier corrective actions.

2. Suppliers and Materials report exports into separate tabs all suppliers and materials. The suppliers tab shows all approved and not approved suppliers and provides an overview on the number of full assessment and pre-assessment records completed for the supplier. The report also provides details on who is part of the supplier document approval workflow. The number of contacts from each supplier with access to the supplier's portal is also visible in the report. The materials tab shows all materials in the system and each supplier of the material. The material tab provides details on materials such as the intrinsic risk of the material and the risk of the material from each supplier if a material assessment has been completed.

3. Supplier and Material Programs report contains 3 tabs. The first tab called Supplier Programs shows each supplier and what type of programme has been setup for them. The Material Program tab provides an overview of material assessment programmes setup and if the programme is utilising the risk assessment absence of control stage, determination of control stage, risk assessment presence of control stage and the name of the specific model being used in those stages. The tab Supplier Assessment Programs displays all supplier full assessment programmes and shows if the stages are utilising the risk assessment absence of control stage, determination of control stage, risk assessment presence of control stage and the name of the specific model being used in those stages.

4. Supplier and Material Assessments report shows in separate tabs the supplier and material assessment records, the stage they are in and details about documents relating to the assessment (supplier and material) such as the number of required documents, how many were uploaded, how many were approved or not approved, how many are awaiting approval, the supplier/material approval status, scope of approval, risk of the supplier/material and how many supplier corrective actions generated from the assessment and are still open.

5. Supplier Audits report provides an overview of supplier audit records such as the audit type, the assigned auditor, the status of the audit record, the rating and score of the audit, when the next audit is due and details on the number of corrective actions raised in the audit, how many are still open and the number raised per non-conformance category e.g. how many critical corrective actions were raised from the audit.

6. Supplier Corrective Actions report provides an overview of supplier corrective actions raised and includes details such as the source of the corrective action, who is responsible for the record and for reviewing the record, the response details completed in the record by the supplier i.e. investigation details and preventive and corrective action details.

7. Supplier Documents report provides an overview of documents provided by suppliers such as the document name, when it was created, the document review date, the document approval status, the approvers/reviewers of the document and a link to download the most recent version of the document.

8. Supplier Document Overview report gives a complete overview of all documents uploaded by suppliers. The report shows the suppliers details, who is responsible for the document and if a document is overdue. This allows you to keep track of documents requiring renewals.

9. Supplier Actions Overview report displays all open actions for suppliers and shows the status of open records (pre-assessments, full assessments, and audits) and also those that are completed.

10. Supplier Audit Planning report gives full visibility across supplier audit records. The report contains supplier details, open audits records and future audits for suppliers.

11. Non-Conformance and Corrective Actions report provides an overview of supplier corrective actions generated from material non-conformance records.