Supplier Dashboard

When you click on a supplier in the system you will see a supplier dashboard in the Summary tab.

To access a supplier's dashboard just click on the supplier's name either in the Supplier tab in the Supply Chain Management Module or through the Contacts Module in Master Data.

Note: The supplier dashboard is only available for suppliers if you have the Supply Chain Management Module.

1. Supplier Status

1. The name of the supplier.

2. The approval status of the supplier, Approved or Not Approved.

3. The number of open actions(records) the supplier currently has.

2. Supplier Details

1. This will display 'Yes' if the supplier has been archived in the system, and 'No' if not.

2. If a supplier full assessment record has been completed on the supplier and the stage Risk Assessment - Absence of Control was completed, the risk result for the supplier displays here (comes from the most recently completed record).

3.  If a supplier full assessment record has been completed on the supplier and the stage Risk Assessment - Presence of Control was completed the risk result for the supplier displays here (comes from the most recently completed record).

4. The supplier category associated to the supplier appears here e.g. packaging supplier or ingredient supplier etc.

5. The supplier type displays here e.g. a manufacturer or broker etc.

(Supplier categories and types can be added to the Categories module in Master Data and associated to the supplier so they appear in the dashboard.)

3. Open Actions

These dashlets analyse the open actions for the supplier. It breaks the overall open actions down by each record type.

1.  Actions Open: This show number of overall open actions the supplier has.

2. Actions Overdue: Of the open actions, the number which are overdue appear here.

3. Significant Risk Actions Overdue: Of the overdue actions, the number that have a significant risk assigned to them appears here e.g. high risk.

4. Assessments Open: The quantity of full assessment records for the supplier that are open appears here.

5. Assessments Overdue: Of the open full assessment actions, the number which are overdue appear here.

6. Significant Risk Actions Overdue: Of the overdue full assessment actions, the quantity which have a significant risk assigned to them appears here e.g. high risk.

7. Audits Open: The number of supplier audits open for the supplier appears here.

8. Audits Overdue: The number of open supplier audits that has become overdue.

9. Significant Risk Audits Overdue: Of the overdue supplier audits, the number that have a significant risk assigned to them appears here e.g. high risk.

10. Performance: Not available in system - currently being developed

11. Supplier Corrective Actions: The number of open supplier corrective actions the supplier has.

12. Corrective Actions Overdue: This show of the open corrective actions, how many are overdue.

13. Significant Risk Corrective Actions Overdue: This shows the overdue supplier corrective actions and how many have a significant risk assigned to them e.g. high risk.

14. Notifications: Not available in the system - currently being developed.

15. Recalls: Not available in the system - currently being developed.

16. Requests: Not available in the system - currently being developed.

17. Complaints: This shows the number of open complaints raised against the supplier.

4. Supplier Compliance

1. The dashlet displays a compliance rating for the supplier based on the actions that are open and overdue against the supplier e.g. If the supplier has 100 actions and 50 of them are overdue the supplier is 50% compliant. This rating should be as close to 100% as possible. If compliance is below 33% compliance, the current compliance rating bar will appear red. Between 33% and 66% the bar will appear orange and above 66% the bar will appear green. 

2. The bar chart shows the record types which are adding to the compliance rating e.g. there are overdue audits and supplier corrective actions which are adding to the low rating.

5. Supplier Location & Contact

The map pinpoints the supplier location if the supplier's physical address has been added.

1. Choose to view the map or satellite view.

2. The pin shows the location of the supplier.

3. Click and drag the man symbol on the map to view the area.

4. Use the + and - button to zoom in and out of the map.

5. The supplier's site address appears here.

6. Information on the main contact from the supplier appears here.

6. Governance Indicators

The governance indicator dashlet populates data on the country the supplier is located in. The dashlet shows 6 indicators which are used to measure good governance: Voice and Accountability, Government Effectiveness, Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism, Regulatory Quality, Control of Corruption and Rule of Law.

1. Percentile Average: This is the overall measure of Governance and is the average of the percentiles for the 6 indicators (0-100, with higher values indicating better governance).

2. Country: This is the country the supplier is located in which the data is showing for.

3. Classification: If the country is a high-risk country the classification will say Risk, if not, it None is shown.

4. Indicator: The six indicators as set by the World Governance Indicators (WGI) are listed.

5. Year: 4 years of data is displayed for each indicator.  Hover over the bars to see the specific percentage for each indicator for a specific year.

7. Supplier Risk

1. The supplier risk percentage appears here. This should be as close to 0% as possible. If the supplier has significant records overdue this will increase the risk status.  If the risk status is below 33% the bar appears green, between 33% & 66% it appears orange and above 66% red.

2. The source of the risk status appears here e.g. the record types. Above we can see the supplier has a risk status of 100% as they have significant risk corrective actions which are overdue.

8. Recent History

1.  Recent records generated for the supplier appear here. You can access the specific record by clicking the name of the record.

9. Compliance Card - Documents

If you have sent an assessment to the supplier requesting mandatory documents, then this card will show if the supplier has been compliant with providing you with the documentation.

1. The name of the mandatory documents requested.

3. The status of the document i.e. if the supplier provided it to you the status will say 'Completed' in green and if the assessment record is overdue meaning the documents are overdue the status says Overdue in orange.

10. Compliance Card - Actions

This dashlet provides information on the supplier open actions.

1. The name of the supplier record type appears here e.g. assessment, supplier CA's etc. 

2. The specific record name and number is shown here, you can click the record name to access it.

3. The status of the record is displayed here. If the record has been completed it will say 'Completed'. If the record is overdue the status says 'Overdue'.