Copy/Regenerate a Full Assessment Record

Full Assessment Supplier and Material records that have been completed can be copied/regenerated and sent to the supplier. This allows you to send back to the supplier the most recent supplier or material assessment they completed and it will populate with the information they filled in previously. The supplier simply needs to make any changes or updates where required and thus saving the supplier time.

1. Access the Full Assessment Record to be Regenerated

Option 1: Complete Tab

1.  Enter Assessment Details

All completed full assessments will be located in the complete tab in the Supply Chain Management Module.

1. Complete Tab: Completed full assessment records are located in the Complete tab in the Supply Chain Management Module.

2. Search: Use the search bar to search for the supplier's assessment.

3. Filter Type: Use the Type column to filter and see just Full Assessment records.

4. Click on Record: Click on the name of the assessment you want to regenerate/copy.

Option 2: From the Supplier

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Click on the name of the supplier you want to regenerate the assessment for. Access the supplier from the Suppliers tab in the Supply Chain Management module or from the Supplier tab in the Contacts Module in MasterData.

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After clicking on the supplier's name, you will see a number of tabs containing data on the supplier. Click the Complete tab to view all the completed supplier and material full assessment records. Click on the assessment record you want to regenerate to the supplier.

2. Use the Regenerate Record button in the Actions Drop-Down

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Click the Actions drop-down on the right side of the record and choose Regenerate Record.

3. Click Save on the Details Stage

3. Complete Nonconformance & Corrective Action stage

1. Click Save in order to save the assessment, to give the record a number, and send it to the supplier.

The Details stage will have the same details as previously completed. If the Primary/Secondary Assessor or Primary/Secondary Contact require an update this can be completed before saving.

5. The Doclist and Checklist in the Data Collection stage populates with the previous information completed.

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The checklist (if any was part of the previous assessment) auto-populates with the information completed by the supplier in the previous assessment. The supplier primary/secondary contact (or user responsible for the assessment) can make any updates or changes where required.

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The doclist from the previous assessment (if any) regenerates but will not contain the attached documents from the copied assessment. Documents must be attached by the supplier again and review dates set where applicable. If any comments/observations were completed in the previous assessment doclist, they will auto-populate.

6. Primary/Secondary Assessor to Review and Complete Assessment

The primary/secondary assessor will review the Data Collection stage completed by the supplier and raise and supplier corrective actions as per usual and return lines where applicable. The Risk Assessment - Absence of Control stage (if any) will populate with any hazards defined in the previous assessment risk assessment and the risk assessment criteria will need to be completed as they do not copy over from the assessment.

4. Add a Risk Assessment - Absence of Control

The Decision Tree, Control Planning, Risk Assessment-Presence of Control and Approval stages are all completed as per usual by the primary assigned assessor.

Please click here for more information on completing Full Assessment Records.

5. Determination of Control