User GuideSupplier ManagementSupply Chain ManagementModule TasksSupplier Management Module Tabs - Complete, Plan, Actions, Approved Supplier List, Template, Suppliers, & Materials.

Supplier Management Module Tabs - Complete, Plan, Actions, Approved Supplier List, Template, Suppliers, & Materials.

In the Supplier Management Module a number of tabs display information e.g. such as the list of completed records for the module which appear under the Complete tab. Smart interactive grids can be seen for the Complete tab, Plan tab, Actions tab, Template tab, Supplier tab, and Materials Tab. The interactive grids display key information.

Complete Tab

The Complete tab is where you will find all completed supplier management records i.e. Full Assessment records (supplier & material), Pre-assessment records, Supplier Audits and Supplier Corrective Actions.

1. Use the search bar to search for the name of the record you are looking for e.g. use the name of the supplier.

2. This is the number of the record.

3. The date the record was generated on.

4. The name of the record. Click to access the record. Records such as supplier corrective action records automatically contain the name of the supplier the record relates to.

5. The name of the type of record is displayed in this column. You can filter the column by clicking the arrow to the right side of the column and choose the filter option to select a specific record to filter by e.g. supplier corrective actions. Please see below for more details on filtering/sorting.

6. The name of the supplier the record relates to. Click the arrow to the right of the column to filter by a specific supplier.

7. The risk associated with the record e.g., supplier corrective action risk. The risk outcome in full assessment records in which the risk assessment stage was completed will be displayed here (the system will pick the risk from the stage Risk Assessment-Presence of Control if this stage was completed, if not, it will pick the Risk Assessment-Absence of Control risk).

8. The name of the person who completed the record.

9. The column allows you to see if the record is archived (Yes) or not (No). By default the grid shows No. Please refer to point 12 for details on seeing archived records in the grid.

10. Use the arrows to move through pages of actions.

11. Select the refresh symbol to ensure the records that are displayed are up-to-date.

12. Click 'Displayed Archived Records' and choose Yes to see just archived records or choose both to see archived and live records together. By default this is set to 'No' meaning only live records are displayed in the grid.

13. By default when the grid loads, 10 completed records are displayed. You can use the arrows to move through the pages of records. However, if you click 'Show 10 entries' you can change how much is displayed in the grid. Choose from 20, 30 or 40.

14. Click the printer symbol to retrieve a list of your records.

Plan Tab

The Plan tab is where you will find all your Full Assessment (supplier & material), Pre-Assessment, and Supplier Audit programmes that were created.

1. Use the search bar to search for the name of the programme you are looking for e.g. use the name of the supplier.

2. This is the number of the programme.

3. The date the programme was created.

4. The name of the programme. Click to access the programme.

5. The name of the type of programme is displayed in this column. You can filter the column by clicking the arrow to the right side of the column and choose the filter option to select a specific programme type to filter by e.g. Full Assessment programme. Please see below for more details on filtering/sorting.

6. The frequency of which records are generated from the programme is shown under the repeat column. If the programme doesn't have a scheduler set (or the scheduler was not set in the template selected in the programme), then the field will be blank.

7. The date when the last record was actioned from the programme. Actioned refers to if a stage of the record was Saved and Submitted i.e., work was done on the record.

8. The date when the last record generated from the programme was completed.

9. The date the next record is due to be completed.

10. The column allows you to see if the programme is archived (Yes) or not (No). By default the grid shows No. Please refer to point 12 for details on seeing archived programmes in the grid.

11. Use the arrows to move through pages of programmes.

12. Select the refresh symbol to ensure your actions that are displayed are up-to-date.

13. Click 'Displayed Archived Records' and choose Yes to see just archived programmes or choose both to see archived and live programmes together. By default this is set to 'No' meaning only live programmes are displayed in the grid.

14. By default when the grid loads, 10 programmes are displayed. You can use the arrows to move through the pages. However, if you click 'Show 10 entries' you can change how much is displayed in the grid. Choose from 20, 30 or 40.

15. Click the printer symbol to retrieve a list of your programmes.

Actions Tab

The Actions tab displays the records which have been opened and have not been fully closed out yet. The Action Required column will allow you to see what stage the record is on and for assessment records if the Data Collection stage is still with the supplier or back with the assigned assessor.

These 3 dashlets at the top of the Actions tab analyse the open actions for the module. It breaks the overall open actions down by each record type i.e. Assessments (full and pre-assessments), Supplier Audits, and Supplier Corrective Actions. Note: some records are not available in the system yet.

1.  Open: This show number of overall open actions for the record type.

2. Overdue: Of the open actions, the number which are overdue appear here.

3. Significant Risk Overdue: Of the overdue actions, the number that have a significant risk assigned to them appears here e.g. high risk.

4. Use the search bar to search for the name of the record you are looking for e.g. use the name of the supplier.

5. This is the number of the record.

6. The date the record was generated on.

7. The name of the record. Click to access the record.

8. The name of the type of record is displayed in this column. You can filter the column by clicking the arrow to the right side of the column and choose the filter option to select a specific record to filter by e.g. supplier corrective actions. Please see below for more details on filtering/sorting.

9. The name of the supplier the record relates to. Click the arrow to the right of the column to filter by a specific supplier.

10. The name of the responsible person/ assigned assessor for the record is displayed here (Assigned Assessor is for full assessments/pre-assessments, Responsible is for supplier corrective actions, and Responsible person assigned to a supplier audit).

11. The risk associated with the record e.g. supplier corrective action risk. The risk outcome in full assessment records in which the risk assessment stage was completed will be displayed here (the system will pick the risk from the stage Risk Assessment-Presence of Control if this stage was completed, if not, it will pick the Risk Assessment-Absence of Control risk).

12. Here displays the date the record is due to be completed by.

13. The column display the name of the stage the record is currently on and by clicking the name of the stage you can access the record. For full assessments/pre-assessments, you will see for the data collection stage if the record is with the supplier (Awaiting Data Collection [By Supplier]), or back with the Assigned Assessor (Awaiting Data Collection [Assigned Assessor]).

14. The column allows you to see if the record is archived (Yes) or not (No). By default the grid shows No. Please refer to point 17 for details on seeing archived records in the grid.

15. Use the arrows to move through pages of actions.

16. Select the refresh symbol to ensure the records that are displayed are up-to-date.

17. Click 'Displayed Archived Records' and choose Yes to see just archived records or choose both to see archived and live records together. By default this is set to 'No' meaning only live records are displayed in the grid.

18. By default when the grid loads, 10 completed records are displayed. You can use the arrows to move through the pages of records. However, if you click 'Show 10 entries' you can change how much is displayed in the grid. Choose from 20, 30 or 40.

19. Click the printer symbol to retrieve a list of your records.

Template Tabs

The Template tab displays all the full assessment and pre-assessment templates that have been created.

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1. Use the search bar to search for the name of the programme you are looking for e.g. use the name of the supplier.

2. This is the number of the template.

3. The date the template was created.

4. The name of the template. Click to access the template.

5. The name of the type of template is displayed in this column. You can filter the column by clicking the arrow to the right side of the column and choose the filter option to select a specific template type to filter by e.g. Full Assessment. Please see below for more details on filtering/sorting.

6. The name of the folder the template was added into.

7. The name of the assigned assessor of the template (when the template is selected in a programme the assigned assessor can be changed).

8. The column allows you to see if the template is archived (Yes) or not (No). By default the grid shows No. Please refer to point 11 for details on seeing archived templates in the grid.

9. Use the arrows to move through pages of programmes.

10. Select the refresh symbol to ensure templates that are listed are up-to-date.

11. Click 'Displayed Archived Records' and choose Yes to see just archived templates or choose both to see archived and live templates together. By default this is set to 'No' meaning only live templates are displayed in the grid.

12. By default when the grid loads, 10 templates are displayed. You can use the arrows to move through the pages. However, if you click 'Show 10 entries' you can change how much is displayed in the grid. Choose from 20, 30 or 40.

15. Click the printer symbol to retrieve a list of your templates.


The suppliers tab allows you to see all supplier that are in MasterData > Contacts. Use the filters on the columns to filter for example by Status.

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1. Use the search bar to search for the name of the supplier you are looking.

2. This is the supplier identifier number.

3. The date the supplier was added to MasterData.

4. The name of the supplier. Click the name of the supplier to view it and see the supplier's dashboard.

5. The name of the folder the supplier was added into.

6. The status of the supplier i.e. Approved or Not Approved.

7. The reference number given to the supplier.

8. The supplier category assigned to the supplier e.g. ingredient suppliers.

9. The supplier type assigned to the supplier e.g. Agent. You can filter the column by clicking the arrow to the right side of the column and choose the filter option to select a specific type to filter by. Please see below for more details on filtering/sorting.

10. The risk of the supplier (risk of the supplier will come from the most recent full assessment record, either from the stage Risk Assessment-Presence of Control or, if this was not completed, from the Risk Assessment-Absence of Control stage).

11. The main contact person listed for the supplier is displayed here (the contact at the top of the list in the supplier's masterdata page).

12. The main contacts email address.

13. Main contact person's phone number.

14. The column allows you to see if the supplier is archived (Yes) or not (No). By default the grid shows No. Please refer to point 17 for details on seeing archived templates in the grid.

15. Use the arrows to move through pages of suppliers.

16. Select the refresh symbol to ensure suppliers that are listed are up-to-date.

17. Click 'Displayed Archived Records' and choose Yes to see just archived suppliers or choose both to see archived and live suppliers together. By default this is set to 'No' meaning only live suppliers are displayed in the grid.

18. By default when the grid loads, 10 suppliers are displayed. You can use the arrows to move through the pages. However, if you click 'Show 10 entries' you can change how much is displayed in the grid. Choose from 20, 30 or 40.

19. Click the world symbol to see all the supplier's locations in the world map.

20. Click the printer symbol to retrieve a list of your suppliers.


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1. Use the search bar to search for the name of the material you are looking.

2. This is the material identifier number/code.

3. The date the material was added to MasterData.

4. The name of the material. Click the name of the material to view it.

5. The name of the folder the material was added into.

6. The supplier code/identifier for the material.

7. The material category assigned to the material e.g. ingredient.

8. The risk of the material as completed in the material's form in MasterData.

9. The column allows you to see if the material is archived (Yes) or not (No). By default the grid shows No. Please refer to point 12 for details on seeing archived materials in the grid.

10. Use the arrows to move through pages of materials.

11. Select the refresh symbol to ensure materials that are listed are up-to-date.

12. Click 'Displayed Archived Records' and choose Yes to see just archived materials or choose both to see archived and live materials together. By default this is set to 'No' meaning only live materials are displayed in the grid.

13. By default when the grid loads, 10 materials are displayed. You can use the arrows to move through the pages. However, if you click 'Show 10 entries' you can change how much is displayed in the grid. Choose from 20, 30 or 40.

14. Click the printer symbol to retrieve a list of your materials.

Filtering & Sorting in the Tabs

Columns can be sorted and filtered by clicking on the arrow to the right of the column heading. The sort & filtering options will appear.

1. Sort data in ascending order or descending order.

Apply the filter option to rows to search for actions based on criteria. For example, if you select the date column you can search for actions within a specific time frame. Another example would be to filter the actions based on risk e.g. only show the high-risk actions.

1. Click on filter to filter the actions.

2. Select the condition e.g. before or after.

3. In the example above we are filtering by date and therefore can use the calendar to select the specific date and time. For other headings, you will have an open field to type in e.g. Name.

To remove a column from the grid you can select Columns and untick the particular column e.g. Programme Name.

Note: the grid will default back to normal if the page is refreshed.

Approved Supplier List Tab

The Approved Supplier List shows all supplier who have been approved either by full assessment or audit. Under each supplier will be a list of materials which have been approved for the supplier by material full assessment.

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1. The name of the supplier is displayed in blue.

2. Any materials which the supplier has been approved for are displayed under the supplier's name. It is important to note that if the supplier has not been approved (either by supplier full assessment or supplier audit), then they materials which they have been approved for will not show up. In the system the supplier should be approved in order for the material to be approved.

3. The risk of the material as set in the most recent material full assessment for the supplier. this will be the Risk Assessment-Presence of Control or, if this was not completed in the assessment, from the Risk Assessment-Absence of Control stage.

4. The date the last material assessment was completed from the supplier.

5. The date the next assessment is due on the material.

6. Use the arrows to move through pages of suppliers.

7. Select the refresh symbol to ensure suppliers that are listed are up-to-date.

8. Use the search bar to search for the name of the supplier you are looking.

9. Click the printer symbol to retrieve a list of your suppliers.