Archiving a Supplier & Related Records

A supplier can be archived in the system at any time. Access the supplier that requires archiving by either:

  • Navigating to MasterData > Contacts and clicking on the Suppliers tab
  • Navigating to the Supplier Management Module and clicking on the Suppliers tab

When you archive a supplier page you can also choose to archive all programmes and records relating to the supplier all at once.

1. Access the Supplier

Archive Entity

To archive a supplier you must click on the supplier that requires archiving by either:

  • Navigating to MasterData > Contacts and clicking on the Suppliers tab.
  • Navigating to the Supplier Management Module and clicking on the Suppliers tab.

2. Click Actions > Archive

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After clicking on the supplier's name that you want to archive, simply click Actions > Archive.

3. Complete the Archive Supplier Form

Finding Archived Entities

Complete the form by going through each section and ticking what you would like to archive. The sections of the form include:

  1. Page: This is the supplier's MasterData form which you should tick to archive the supplier entity.
  2. Programs: Choose to archive the supplier's full assessment (supplier and material), preassessment, and audit programmes.
  3. Records: Choose from the list of record categories which you want to archive with the supplier e.g. the suppliers corrective action records, supplier audits, full assessments, document records (this refers to all the documents in the supplier document folder), document review records, etc. Choose to archive open records, closed records, or both.
  4. Additional Entities: Choose to archive the supplier's document folders, remove the supplier from the approved supplier list, and remove the supplier contacts access to the supplier portal.

Once you mark what you would like to archive along with the supplier's page, click Archive at the bottom.

V2T : Archive Supplier - Work - Microsoft​ Edge

A list of what has been chosen to be archived for the supplier will appear after you click Archive. Review the list and if any changes are required simply click the Back button.

If you would like to receive an email with an excel document containing all the archived results for the supplier (i.e. the specific programs, records, etc.) tick the box 'Send email export of archived results' and add your email address into the Email Address field (only one email allowed).

Click Archive to complete the section and officially archive the supplier.

4. Recover an Archived Supplier

To recover an archived supplier, navigate to either MasterData > Contacts or to the Supplier Management Module and click on the Suppliers tab.

V2T : Supply Chain Management - Work - Microsoft​ Edge

If you are trying to recover the supplier form the Suppliers tab in the Supply Chain Management Module, the archive function is slightly different to the archive function in the Suppliers tab in MasterData>Contacts.

Supply Chain Management Module - Supplier Tab:

On the bottom right of the grid select 'Yes' opposite 'Display Archived Records'. This will allow you to remove all active supplier and just see those that have been archived. Use the search bar or arrows to scroll through the archived suppliers. Once you see the supplier you want to recover click on the supplier's name.

MasterData > Contacts - Supplier Tab:

On the bottom right of the grid click Archive:On so it changes to Archive:Off. This will allow all archived supplier to be visible in the grid, however they will also be mixed in with the active suppliers. You can then use the search bar to find the supplier or use the arrows to scroll through the pages.

Recover an Archived Entity

After you find and click on the supplier you want to recover, click Actions > Recover.

Note: If you recover an archived supplier, if you archived records/programmes at the time you archived the supplier, then these programmes/records will need to be recovered individually.