General System FAQs

Q: Can more than one person work within a record at the same time?

Only one person can work on a record at a time. For example, if one person is working on a flow diagram/record and another also begins working on it, when the first person saves their work, the second person will lose their work when they go to save as they will get a notification to reload the record as changes have been made by another user.

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Q: I have access to multiple Safefood360° sites, but how can I see all of my actions from across all my sites in one place?

To view all the actions you have been assigned across all sites:

1. Click on your name at the top of the site you are currently logged into.

2. This will take you to your user page where you can click the tab called 'Dashboard'.

3. The 'My Actions' tab will show all your actions from throughout all the sites you have access to.

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Q: If an employee leaves the company, and they were responsible for actions and document approvals, is there a way I can make someone else responsible for the open actions and documents?

Depending on the scenario, i.e. you have a large volume of records and documents requiring to be assigned to a new employee, a ticket can be sent to the Technical Support team to request if they can replace the old responsible person with the new responsible person. If you have just a few documents and records which require updating this can be completed manually.

Click here for more information on contacting the Technical Support team.

Q: I have received a link to a record within Safefood360°, however when I attempt to access the record, I see the below error.

After receiving the below error when attempting to access a link to a record in Safefood360°, please ensure you have the correct Role to allow you to access the Module the link is coming from. If you have not been given access to the module via your Role, you will not be able to access the record. If you have access to Settings, you will be able to check the role you have been assigned and the permissions it gives you. If you do not have access to Settings, you can contact your system Administrator who will be able to check.

If the error is still appearing after ensuring the above point has been tested, use the 'Help' button to raise a ticket with the Support Team. Click here for more information contacting the Technical Support team.

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After receiving the below error when attempting to access a link to a record in Safefood360°, please ensure you are logged into the correct Site. If you have access to multiple sites in Safefood360°, ensure you have navigated to the correct site before opening the link.

If the error is still appearing after ensuring the above point has been tested, use the 'Help' button to raise a ticket with the Support Team. Click here for more information contacting the Support Team.

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Q: Are there character limits in the system? e.g. in fields such as the 'Alert Description' in the Alert Record.

There are different character limits throughout the system. A user will know when they have reached a character limit, as the outline of the box they are typing in will turn red. If a user then hovers over the box, it will show a description of the character limit.

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