User GuideSystemFrequently Asked QuestionsFAQsSettings (Users & Roles) & Alerts: FAQs

Settings (Users & Roles) & Alerts: FAQs

Q: How can I remove people from alerts that left the company?

1. Navigate to the Alerts Module

2. Click into the alert(s).

3. Click Actions >Edit.

4. Remove the name of the employee under the Send To section.

If it is a case you have hundreds of alerts built in which the employee are on and a new employee will take over all actions, responsibilities of the old employee, then a ticket can be sent to the Technical Support team with the name of the employee to be removed and who they are to be replaced by across alerts, programmes, actions etc.

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Q: Why don't I have access to the same modules as my colleague?

Your colleague may have been assigned a different role than you and therefore they might have different permissions within the system. You can contact the Administrator of your site to change your role or edit the permissions of the role you have been assigned.

Q: How to remove user access to modules or sections of a record such as the Verification stage in Monitoring?

Roles which are located in Settings, allow you to give different levels of permissions to users, specifically you can give no access, read only, and even do this by stage of the record.

To edit an existing role to remove access to a record or stage of a record:

1. Navigate to the Users section of Settings.

2. Click on the Roles tab to view the existing roles followed by clicking on the role you would like to edit.

3. Click Actions > Edit.

4. The role form is broken out by center and then by module. Open and expand the relevant center e.g. Monitoring, followed by navigating to the module in question e.g. Monitoring module. If no access should be given anymore to the Verification stage of Monitoring records, remove the tick from the box opposite Verification. After updating the role click Save at the bottom. Any user that has been assigned the role will now have no access to the Verification stage of Monitoring records.

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Q: I invited a colleague to the platform but they get an error when trying to accept the invite?

If an error occurs when a colleague is trying to accept their invite to the system complete the below steps:

1. Navigate to the Users section of Settings.

2. In the tab Invitations search for the colleagues invite and click on it.

3. Once inside the invite click the Remove Invitation button.

4. Proceed to send a new invite. Click here for more information on sending a new invite.

If the issue is still occurring please send the details to the Technical Support team. Click here for more information on contacting the team.

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Q: How can you see if a user invitation has expired?

There are two options for checking if an invite has expired.

Option 1:

1. Navigate to the Users section of Settings.

2. In the tab Invitations, review the Sent On column to see if the invite was sent more than 7 days ago (invites expire after 7 days).

3. To resend an expired invite, click into the invite and click the Resend Invitation button.

Option 2 (only available in the Supplier Management Module):

4. If you have access to the Supplier Management Module you can access a report called User Invitation which shows the Expired invites. You can click a link within the report to resend the invite.

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