User GuideSystemFrequently Asked QuestionsFAQsSupplier Quality Management Module: FAQs

Supplier Quality Management Module: FAQs

Q: Why did my supplier get an error when trying to accept an invitation?

If an error occurs, remove the original invite and resend a new invite.

1. Navigate to the Users section of Settings.

2. In the tab Invitations search for the supplier contact name and click into their invitation.

3. Once inside the invite click the Remove Invitation button.

4. Proceed to send a new invite. Click here for more information on sending a new invite.

If the issue is still occurring please send the details to the Technical Support team. Click here for more information on contacting the team.

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Q: How can you see if a supplier invitation has expired?

There are two options for checking if an invite has expired.

Option 1:

1. Navigate to the Users section of Settings.

2. In the tab Invitations, review the Sent On column to see if the invite was sent more than 7 days ago (invites expire after 7 days).

3. To resend an expired invite, click into the invite and click the Resend Invitation button.

Option 2 (only available in the Supplier Management Module):

4. If you have access to the Supplier Management Module you can access a report called User Invitation which shows the Expired invites and you can even filter the Solution column to just see invites expired for supplier portals. You can click a link within the report to resend the invite.

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Q: If I have a new contact from a supplier who is to take the place of the old contact, how do I add the new contact and set them as responsible for existing documents, assessment programs, etc.?

If a new supplier contact needs to be added, and this new supplier contact will be the main contact going forward, please follow the below steps:

1. Navigate to Contacts in MasterData and click on the Supplier tab.

2. Find the supplier you would like to add the new contact to and click on the supplier name. 

3. Click Actions > Edit. Scroll down the supplier page to the Contacts section.

4. If the old contact on the first line does not need to be kept, then replace the old contact with the new contacts details. 

5. If the old contacts details still needs to be kept, use the 'Add Line' button and add the old contacts details on the new line.

6. Navigate to the Users section of Settings to invite the new contact to the portal and remove the old contact as a user if required. Click here for more details on inviting/removing users.

7. If the old contact is being kept, click into the user to ensure they are associated with their contact name which was moved to a different line in the supplier's page.

Once the supplier's MasterData page has been saved, the new supplier contact placed on the first line will be automatically set as responsible for existing programmes, documents, etc.

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Q: I built a new checklist and added it to an existing template, why is this new checklist not present in the assessment programmes already created from this existing template?

If a new checklist or doclist is added to an existing template, this new checklist/doclist will not be reflected in the assessment programmes already created from this existing template. To see this new checklist/doclist within the assessment programmes already created, the user must either:

  1. Edit each existing assessment programme and select the new checklist/doclist from the checklist/doclist dropdowns.
  2. Delete existing assessment programmes and create new assessment programmes from the updated existing template using the 'Add Assessment Programme' button. Click here for more information on creating assessment programmes.

Note: If an existing checklist/doclist is updated within MasterData, these changes will be reflected within the existing templates and assessment programmes.

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Q: How do I know if a supplier has upload a new version of a document?

To allow a user to be notified that a supplier has updated a document, we recommend the following options:

Option 1: Using the approval workflow within the supplier(s) page in MasterData to send email notifications (Notify of Change) to users when suppliers upload new versions of documents.

1. Navigate to MasterData > Contacts or in the Supplier Management Module click on the Supplier tab. Search for the supplier you would like to enable the approval workflow and click on the supplier name.

2. Click Actions >Edit.

3. Navigate down the supplier page to the section called Approval Workflow located under Supplier Document Settings. Select the user(s) who you would like to be notified when a supplier uploads a new version of a document, and click the 'Notify of Change' option.

Option 2: Using the system report 'Supplier Document Overview' to review the supplier document updates.

5. Navigate to the Reports tab in the Supply Chain Management Module. Click on the report 'Supplier Document Overview'.

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Q: Can I use the Controls section in a full assessment record without having to use a decision tree?

No, the controls section of a full assessment record will not open without a decision tree being completed first and the outcome of the tree determining controls are required. When building an assessment template you should not enable the Control stage without enabling the Decision Tree stage.

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Q: Why has a document review record for my supplier opened before the due date?

Document reviews records are generated automatically 10 days in advance of the next review date. A system email notification will be sent to the user noted in the 'send email notification' section of the scheduler.

When a review date is set for a document in a doclist, the scheduler inside the document will automatically be assigned a 10 day action notice and therefore the document review record opens 10 days in advance of the set review date.

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Q: Can I complete a full assessment record on the behalf of the supplier and prevent them to get any alerts?

Alerts are connected to the email placed in the supplier contact information located in the supplier's MasterData page.

If you would like to complete the assessment on behalf of your supplier without them being alerted, remove the email address from the supplier contact information in the supplier's MasterData page. This information can then be placed within the notes section of the supplier's MasterData page, allowing you to keep the information while also removing the connection to the alerts.

1. Navigate to MasterData > Contacts.

2. Find the supplier you would like to remove the email address from, click on the supplier name. 

3. Click Actions > Edit and scroll down the page to the Contacts section.

4. Remove the contacts email address and place within the notes section if you still want to keep the information.

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