Using the Supplier Portal

What is Safefood360°?

Safefood360° is a software platform for the management of food safety and quality related matters.

One of your customers is using Safefood360° to manage their records such as supplier corrective actions, assessments, documents, or material specifications, and would like you to work with the system to make the process more reliable and efficient for each of you.

What is the Supplier Portal?

What is the Supplier Portal?

The Supplier Portal is a part of the Safefood360° software that allows you to securely log in and complete work in real-time together with your customer. You can, for example, fill in questionnaires, upload documents and respond to corrective actions and the results will be immediately received by your customer.

In the Supplier Portal, you will only see records and activities that are open and have been assigned to you - so it is the perfect way to manage the communication between you and your customer.

The Supplier Portal allows you to be notified whenever new tasks are opened and you might receive an email or an SMS depending on the type of alert that is configured. These alerts will make sure you know when there is a job waiting for completion.

Once you log in and complete the outstanding task, your customer will then receive a finished record in their system without you having to contact them directly.

How do you Log in to the Supplier Portal?

Accept Initial Invite From your Customer

How do you log in to the Supplier Portal?

You should first receive an invitation to your email. After clicking the link in the email, you are directed to your invitation where you create a password for logging into the system and accept the terms of use. Click Accept Invitation after creating the password and accepting the terms and conditions (click Terms and Conditions to view them).

Passwords need to have: 

  • At least 10 characters
  • Contain at least one uppercase letter 
  • Contain a character (e.g., @, !) 
  • Contain at least one number e.g., 2

Proceed to Sign-In [These steps are completed for all future Sign-Ins]

After clicking Accept Invitation you will be greeted with the login landing page which contains a field to add your Email Address. Click Continue after adding your email address.

The sign-in screen will appear with your email address already completed. You are required to add your Safefood360° password you created and then click Sign In. You will then enter your supplier portal.

Note: After 3 attempts of signing into the system you will be temporarily locked out for a set amount of time.

How to Log into Safefood360 [After Invite has been Accepted]

Safefood 360° - Food Safety Plan & Supplier Management Solution - Google Chrome

After you accept an initial invite to the system from then on you can login by clicking Login on the top-right of the website

You will then proceed to complete the two login steps above as previously detailed.

After these steps, if you have Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) enabled you will need to complete some additional steps. This is an extra step in the login process whereby a user receives a 6-digit code by email, SMS, or Authenticator App to enter while logging into the system each time.

Please refer to the below section for details on turning on Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for your profile.

Logging with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Enabled

Multi-Factor Authentication is a security process in which you provide two means of identifying yourself to the Safefood360° software.

The first stage requires memorization (Username and Password). This second requires physical possession through your mobile or smartphone. In this context, the two factors involved are sometimes spoken of as ‘something you know’ and ‘something you have’.

MFA greatly reduces the likelihood of an unauthorized user gaining access to your account. To do so they would need to have both your login credentials as well as access to your personal smartphone.

Please refer to the section My Profile for details on enabling MFA for your profile.

With MFA enabled, after you complete the first two sign in steps as previously shown you will then be asked to choose your MFA method. Choose the method by which you want to receive a the authentication code when logging into Safefood360; By Phone (SMS/Call), by Email, or using an Authenticator app on your phone. Click Continue after choosing.

Authenticator Application (App)


1. Install Authenticator App

Follow the instructions for installing the authenticator app (You may already have an app installed which you can open). This step you will only need to complete once.

From your Smartphone open the app store and search for the Microsoft Authenticator app or any other authenticator app such as Google Authenticator. There is an app available for all Smartphones including iPhone, Android, Blackberry and Windows.

2. Add Safefood360° to Authenticator App.

Open the authenticator app you installed. The following instructions will differ slightly depending on your device and chosen app. 

In the Authenticator app, click the PLUS icon in the bottom right-hand corner. Click "Scan Barcode“.

Point the camera at the barcode. Once complete you will see a random 6-digit number in the app which will automatically change every 30 seconds. Each time you log into the system you will type in the code that appears in the app.

3. Click Continue

Click the Continue button after scanning the QR code.

4. Add the Code from Authenticator App 

Open your app and add the code from the app to log into the system after clicking continue. After adding the code click Verify.


If you would like to receive your code by email choose the Email method for authentication and click Continue.

1. Send Verification Code

If you choose Email as the preferred MFA method, you will see your email address you will need to verify your email address by clicking Send Verification Code.

2. Add Code to the Verification Code Box

You will receive the code by email. Type the code into the verification code box and then click Verify Code.

If your code has expired as you failed to add it on time, click Send New Code.

3. Click Continue 

Once your code is verified, you will see your email address with a message above it to confirm your email address has been verified.

Simply click Continue to access the system.

Authentication By Phone

If you choose Phone as the preferred MFA method, you can choose to receive a SMS message with the code or choose for a call to be made to you.

After choosing Phone as the MFA method, you may see the below message appear instructing that your user profile requires your phone number to be added.

You can contact the support team to request them to add your phone number to your profile – [email protected].

If possible before you enable MFA, add your phone number to your profile. Click here for details on how to do this.

1. After choosing Phone as the method of authentication, and there is no issue with your phone number as it in place, you can choose for the code to be received to your phone by SMS (send code) or to conduct the authentication by a call.

Multi Factor Authentication - Work - Microsoft​ Edge

If you choose Send Code, type in the code you receive by SMS and click Verify Code.

If you choose to authenticate by a call (Call Me), you will need to follow the instruction on the call after answering (you will be instructed to press the pound # key on your phone) and after you will be automatically signed in.

What can I do in the Supplier Portal?

What can I do in the Supplier Portal?

1. In the above picture, you will see the name of your customer appearing here.

2. The "Dashboard" is the page you will land on when you log in - it shows you a summary dashboard, all your open actions that need to be completed & alerts which were sent to you.

3. "Complaints" allows you to view any complaints your customer has sent you.

4. "Assessments" contain supplier/material assessments, supplier audits & supplier corrective actions.

5. "Shipments" allows you to provide your customer information regarding a specific shipment of goods.

6. "Documents" allows you to view the documents sent by you to your customer and upload new versions of the documents.

7.  Your name will appear here. You can click on your name to update settings in your profile e.g., language.

8. 'Go-To' allows you to move between portals you have been invited to by your different customers.

9. This menu allows you to access lots of helpful resources if you need support such as our customer support team.

10. Click Log out to leave the portal.

What does the Summary Dashboard show?

The summary dashboard is made up of 2 dashlets and 2 grids that provide analyses on your portal.

If you are an agent/broker that has connections with manufacturing sites (also known as children), you will see the dashboard populated with this information. Please see below for more info.

1. Manufacturer Sites: 

  • Manufacturer Sites: Count of manufacturer sites or child manufacturer sites related to you.
  • Approved Manufacturer Sites: Count of manufacturer sites or child manufacturer sites related to you which are Approved.
  • Not Approved Manufacturer Sites: Count of manufacturer sites or child manufacturer sites related to you which are Not Approved.

2. Materials: 

  • Materials: Count of materials related to you and your manufacturers.
  • Approved Materials: Count of materials related to you (and child suppliers), which are Approved.
  • Not Approved Materials: Count of materials related to you (and child suppliers), which are Not Approved.

3. Audits: 

  • Audits: Count of Supplier Audits related to you (and child suppliers) which have a ‘Next Due’ date falling within the next 12 months.

4. Manufacturers, Materials & Audits Grid

  • This grid displays a list of manufacturers (child suppliers) and materials associated with you. Note: Associated manufacturers or materials which are Archived, are not displayed in this dashlet.
  • The grid will also show audits that are planned to be conducted on you within the next 12 months.
  • The grids can be filtered by clicking the arrow on the right-hand side of the column heading. e.g. filter by Type to see just manufacturers you're connected with.

5. Assessments: 

  • Assessments: Count of open Assessments you have (and your child suppliers). An assessment refers to Pre-Assessment records, Full Assessment Supplier records, and Full Assessment Material records.
  • Assessments Overdue: Count of open Assessments you have (and your child suppliers) that are overdue.
  • Significant Risk Assessments Overdue: Count of open Assessments you (and your child suppliers) have that are overdue and have a significant risk e.g. medium or high risk.

6. Supplier CA's:

  • Suppliers CA's Open: Count of open Supplier Corrective Actions you have (and your child suppliers).
  • Suppliers CA's Overdue: Count of open Supplier Corrective Actions you have (and your child suppliers) which are overdue.
  • Significant Risk Suppliers CA's Overdue: Count of open Supplier Corrective Actions you have (and your child suppliers) which are overdue and of significant risk e.g. high or medium risk.

7. Audits:

  • Audits Open: Count of open Audits you have (and your child suppliers)
  • Audits Overdue: Count of open Audits you have (and your child suppliers) that are overdue.
  • Significant Risk Audits Overdue: Count of open Audits you have (and your child suppliers) that are overdue and of significant risk e.g. high or medium risk.

8. Assessments, Corrective Actions, and Audits Grid

  • This grid displays a list of Assessments (Pre-assessments, Supplier Assessment Records & Material Assessment Records), Supplier Corrective Actions and Supplier Audits associated with you (and your child suppliers) which are open.
  • The grid displays the current step of the record.
  • You can click on the name of the record to access it.
  • The grids can be filtered by clicking the arrow on the right-hand side of the column heading. e.g. filter by Type to see a list of specific records requiring completion e.g. corrective actions.

Accessing Open Actions from the My Actions Tab on the Dashboard

Accessing open actions

Open actions can be accessed through the "Dashboard" where actions are collected in the "My Actions" tab and it is the first tab a user will see when they log in. The actions tab contains 3 dashlets providing analytics on your actions and a grid at the bottom where the actions will appear and can be accessed by clicking 'View'. The My Actions tab is the default tab which is loaded when a user logs into the portal.

1. My Actions Volume: This dashlet will show you how many actions you have, of those how many are overdue, and how many are considered significant i.e. medium or high risk.

2. My Actions Open by Module: This dashlet will show you the number of open actions per module in the supplier portal.

3. My Overdue Actions by Module: The dashlet analyses the overdue actions showing which module they are in.

4. Search: You can use the search bar to search for an action.

5. Name: The grid will show you the name of the records which require your attention e.g. supplier corrective action. You can filter any of the headings in the grid by clicking on the heading. Click the name of the record to access it.

6. Show Entries: You can select how many actions you would like to see in the grid e.g., 10, 20, 30, 40, All.

Accessing Open Actions within each Module

Actions can also be accessed by clicking on the relevant module tab at the top of the page e.g. Assessments and clicking into the 'Action's Tab' opposite the complete tab. You can click any of the links in the "Action Required" column to open the task in that line. Accessing the actions in this way allows you to see specifically all the actions for that module.

When you see 'Awaiting Data Collection [By Supplier]', this means the record is with you and needs to be completed. If you see 'Awaiting Data Collection [By Assigned Assessor]', this means the record is with your customer and is being reviewed.

Working with Full Assessments

From time to time your customer might ask you to complete a self-assessment or to work on supplier corrective actions. The main tasks in these assessments are providing either a) documents or b) answers to some checklist questionnaires.

Filling in the Details Stage

The customer requires you to enter your position within the company e.g. QA Manager. You then need to press Save & Submit to move on to the next stage.

Supplier Details

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Your customer may enable a workflow section where you can update the contact details they have in the system for you.

1. Supplier Contact Information: If required, you can update your company phone, fax, direct dial numbers and website address.

2. Contacts: Here you will see the main contact from your company who was invited to the portal to complete the assessment. If you have additional contacts click 'Add Line' to add additional contacts. You can provide their names, positions, and email addresses.

3. Supplier Address: The company postal address can be completed here. If the postal address is the same as the physical address then click 'Same as Postal Address' and it will automatically populate.

4. Save: While completing this section you can click save to save your work.

5. Save & Submit: Once all the details are updated and you are ready to progress to the next stage of the assessment, click Save & Submit.

Downloading Documents

Downloading Response documents

When a customer wishes you to download and complete a document e.g. questionnaire, you will see a document icon that you can simply click on next to the Requirement details. Your download should start automatically.

Uploading Documents & Mandatory Documents

Uploading response documents

Once you have finalised the documents your customer requires, click "Add File" and you'll be able to upload the relevant documents from your computer/tablet. Note: If you would like to view these documents later they will be saved in the Documents module.

If a document has a red asterisk beside it then this means it's a mandatory field and you are required to attach the document. When you try to send the assessment back to your customer by clicking Save & Return, any mandatory document Add File field you have not completed will populate in red.

Setting review dates

Setting review dates

Sometimes your customer might ask you to provide a review date for the document you are uploading. For example, this could be the expiry date of your certification document e.g. BRC cert.  When the review date occurs, an automatic document review will open up and notify both you and your supplier about the out-of-date document that needs to be re-uploaded.

The review date can be set by using the calendar feature provided.

Completing the Checklist

Completing the checklist if necessary

Sometimes there may be a checklist as well as a doclist associated with an assessment. Work your way through the checklist. The checklist is nothing more than a list of questions that require you to give a response to using options in the response drop-down and providing detailed responses in the Comments/Observation field.

Just like in the doclist, if a question has a red asterisk beside it, this means it is mandatory and you should select the response from the response drop-down. When you Save and Return the assessment to your supplier, any mandatory question you have not answered will turn red around the response field.

Any files that you attach here will not go automatically to the "Documents" module but will rather stay as attachments in the record itself.

Saving the Assessment Record & Returning to your Customer

Saving the assessment

1. Save: Pressing "Save" will allow you to save a draft version of the record before submitting it to your customer. Clicking Save allows you to complete information, save it, and then come back later to continue working on completing the assessment (mandatory fields do not require completion in order to just save). Remember the record will stay in the Actions tab of the 'Assessments' Module and you will be able to access it from there.

2. Save & Return: When you are happy with everything in the assessment and you are ready to send it back to your customer, click Save & Return. Any mandatory document or checklist question will flag red if not completed on save and return (response field flags red for questions in checklist and Add File field flags red for mandatory documents).

What to do if your Customer Returns the Assessment?

After your customer reviews the assessment record you have completed, if they are unhappy with any aspects of the assessment, they may send you back the assessment with the fields which require your attention highlighted in Orange. If your customer does send back the assessment you will automatically receive an email notification to let you know they have returned the assessment and you can click the link in the email notification to quickly access the record. You will see the customers feedback in the comments/observation field.

Working With Pre-Assessments

In a pre-assessment record, your customer is trying to capture some initial information from you e.g. contact details. They are also looking to capture information on any other manufacturing sites you have producing materials for you or any supplier entities e.g. agent or broker.

1. Name: Your name will appear here. You can update the name if necessary.

2. Contact Details: Add your company's phone and fax details here.

3. Postal Address: The postal address can be completed here. 

4. Physical Address: If the postal address is the same as the physical address then click 'Same as Postal Address' and it will automatically populate.

5. Main Contacts: Here you will see the main contact from your company who was invited to the portal to complete the assessment. If you have additional contacts click 'Add Line' to add additional contacts. You can provide their names, positions and email address.

6. Notes: Any notes or comments can be completed here.

7. Primary Supplier Decision Tree:  Answer the questions in the decision tree by selecting Yes or No in the Answer column. After answering the questions a result will automatically appear in the result field under the decision tree.

8. Primary Supplier Category:  Select from a list of supplier categories e.g. packaging or ingredient supplier.

9. Primary Supplier Type:  Select which type of supplier you are from the list provided e.g. a manufacturer or agent/broker.

10. Manufacturing Sites:  If applicable, you can detail any manufacturing sites that are producing the materials for you which you will supply to your customer i.e. you are an agent or broker. If you do not have any manufacturing sites to add as you are simply manufacturing the materials, remove the blank line that appears automatically using the red X.

11. Other Supplier Entities: If applicable, detail any other supplier entities here. There may be an instance where you are getting materials from an agent or broker and this can be defined here. If you do not have any entities to add, remove the blank line that appears automatically using the red X.

12. Save: When you are working on completing this section, click Save to save your work. You can always get to your record from the action tab in the assessment module.

13. Save & Submit: Only when you are happy with the detail completed and you want to progress to the next section, click Save & Submit. 

Here you can give some brief details on materials and define if applicable who manufactures the materials and who supplies them. You can also attach specifications for the materials listed. If you are not completing this section, remember to remove the blank line that appears using the X delete button.

1. Material Name: Define the name of the materials you will provide. Materials can be added by clicking 'Add Line'.

2. Material Code:  Complete the material code for each material added.

3. Material Category: Choose from a list of material categories.

4. Manufacturing Site: If you have included any manufacturing sites in the previous stage then you will be able to choose from this drop-down which sites manufacture the materials.

5. Supplied By: If you have included any other supplier entities, then they will appear in the 'Supplied By' drop-down. If there is more than one entity supplying a material, click the + symbol to get an extra line.

6. Comments/Observation: Any comments on the material can be completed here.

7. Specification: The specification for the material should be attached here. This is a mandatory field.

8. Add Line: Use the Add Line button to add a line for each material you want to list.

9. Delete Line: If you want to remove a line use the red X button. If you do not add any materials use the button to remove the line as the fields are mandatory if the line exists.

The checklist and doclist allow you to answer a short questionnaire and attach some initial documentation that is required as part of the pre-assessment.

1. No.: The number column displays the question or section number.

2. Requirement:  What is to be done. In the case of a Doclist this will typically require the upload of a Document. In the case of a Checklist a question would need to be answered.

3. Response: This is the response options for the questions in the checklist. Click into each response field opposite the questions to select the response.

4. Comments/Observations: Use this field to provide detailed answers to each question in the checklist and doclist if applicable.

5. Red Asterix: Mandatory fields will have a red Asterix beside the No. column.  In a pre-assessment record a checklist with a mandatory requirement will require the 'Response' field to be completed and in the doclist the 'Add File' field.

6. Next Review Date:  This column is added for the Doclist grid only. The review date for the document can be set by using the calendar feature provided. 

7. File: Click 'Add file' in the doclist to attach the requested documents.

8. Document Download Icon: If you see the document icon here, you can click and download the document, complete it and attach it back.

9. Returned Decision: After your customer reviews your pre-assessment they may send back lines to you. Any line returned to you will be highlighted in orange. Any returned field in a doclist will automatically remove any attached documents which were there before your customer decided to return the line.

10. Save: Click Save to save your work.

11. Save & Return: When you have completed both sections of the record and you are happy to send this back to your customer, click Save & Return.

Working with Corrective Actions

In some cases, a customer may want you to respond to a corrective action, e.g. a document you provided was not the required document. The Corrective Action workflow allows you to have a back and forth conversation with your customer.

Corrective Actions showing up on the Dashboard

Corrective Actions showing up on the Dashboard

When you log in to the Supplier Portal you will see any open tasks. In the example above, an outstanding Corrective Action that must be responded to is highlighted. You will also receive an email notification if you have been assigned a corrective action. Click the name of the record to access it.

Corrective Action Details - (Customer Only)

Corrective Action Details

This section gives you background information for the Corrective Action that has been filed by your customer. This section of the record will be collapsed when you click into it and you can open and view this section by clicking on the arrow on the right-hand side.

  1. The source where the corrective action came from is displayed. Other sources include audits completed by your customer.
  2. The details related to the non-conformance or what is required of you as a supplier to complete the action are shown in this field.
  3. This is the non-conformance category for the corrective action record e.g. minor, major, critical etc.
  4. These are comments/observations given by the customer. In this case, the document you have provided seems to have been out of date.
  5. The risk associated with your non-conformance.
  6. The person who is responsible for the Corrective Action Response. This is the next stage that you are required to complete.
  7. This the person from your customer who is responsible for reviewing your response.
  8. The date this Corrective Action is due to be completed by.

Fill in the Corrective Action Response

Fill in the Corrective Action Response

This section is your opportunity to respond to the corrective action.

  1. Enter a short overview of the investigation you conducted concerning the corrective action.
  2. Detail the activities you have taken to correct the situation.
  3. List any preventive actions that will prevent the problem from re-occurring in the future.
  4. The date you completed this Corrective Action Response.
  5. If you were asked to submit files or documents by your customer you can do so by clicking "Add file" and sourcing the relevant documents from your computer.
  6. Click Save while working on completing the record.
  7. Click Save & Submit only when you are happy to send the response back.

Wait for a response from your customer

Wait for a response from your customer

Once you have responded to the corrective action, it is time for your customer to review your response. They will notify you if they need anything more.

If your customer requires more information, the corrective action will remain open and you can respond to the customer, otherwise, if everything was fine, the record will be closed.

Working with Complaints

Working with Complaints

If a customer files a complaint against your company, you can view the full details of their issue here. The complaints tab will display complaints that are currently open for your attention.

These complaints can be registered for a variety of reasons, including failure to guarantee a satisfactory level of quality, quantity, or failure to deliver in the manner agreed.

When complaints are filed, it is possible to view them but not respond. If your customer is seeking action on the matter, they will launch a corresponding corrective action that you can answer.

Document Review

A Document can be reviewed for a variety of reasons including audit, legislation change, scheduled, standard requirement, or other reasons.

When a Document is scheduled for review, you will receive an email notifying you that a document is awaiting review. You will also be able to see a document review action in your Dashboard under your My Actions tab. To enter the review, you can click the link on the email notification you received or click on 'View' opposite the action while in the 'My Actions' tab on the dashboard. The document review actions will also appear in the Action tab of the Documents Module (see above image). Click on the record under the Action Required column.

This record gives you the opportunity to review a document. To review the document, you can follow the steps below:

1. Document: Selecting this will take you to the document in question.

2. Date: When the review is due.

3. Name: The name of the document which is being reviewed or updated.

4. Reason for the review: This will automatically appear here.

5. Next Review: The date entered here will be reflected in the Document and the new Review Record will not be generated until this new date. You can leave this as it appears.

6. Completed By: The name of the person completing the review, select your name from the drop-down menu.

7. Replace: Clicking Replace will allow you to attach a new version of the document e.g. most recent BRC cert.

8. Response: If you do not have a new version of the document to attach you can answer Yes. If you do, you can select No, put comments, and replace the document.

9. Save / Save & Submit: Only click Save & submit when you are happy to send the record back to your customer.

My Profile

My Profile is where you can update details such as your phone number, language the system is displayed in, change your password, and turn on Multi-Factor Authentication.

Click on your name located on the top of your portal to access your profile.

My Profile - Work - Microsoft​ Edge

1. Click Edit Profile to make changes to your profile such as the portal language and turn on multi-factor authentication.

2. If you want to change your password click Change Password.

My Profile - Work - Microsoft​ Edge

1. If you would like to update your first or second name, you can do so here.

2. Update or add your phone number here. If you are enabling Multi-Factor Authentication and you want to receive the code by SMS, ensure you add your phone number hereEnsure that format of your phone number is as you would dial it internationally e.g., +16463600210. Ensure to add the + at the start of the number.

3. If you wish to change the language of the system interface, you can click the drop-down and choose from the list of languages.

4. For added security you may enable the Multi Factor Authentication (MFA). During the login process, you will then be requested to choose a method to receive your authentication code e.g. SMS, Email, or App.

5. If your customer didn't turn on a 90 day password reset for your profile when they invited you to the portal, you can enable it by ticking the box. Turning this on will mean every 90 days you receive an email with a link to reset your login password for security reasons.

6. After you make your change click Save.

Note: If you need to change your email address, please open a ticket with the support team - [email protected].

Accepting Terms & Conditions and Accessing the Terms & Conditions Document

When you first log into your supplier portal (or if your customer turns on terms and conditions at any time), you are greeted with a pop-up containing the terms and conditions document of your customer. Scroll through and read the document and decide to Accept or Reject using the buttons on the bottom right. If you Reject the terms, they will simply keep loading and you will not be able to access the portal.

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After accepting the terms and conditions, a user can read the terms again at anytime by clicking the Terms and Conditions button on the top header of the supplier portal (your customer may not have this turned on for you).

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If the terms and conditions document is a PDF document then it can be download at any time by clicking the Download button. If the Terms and Conditions document is a Word document, the download option will not be available and you can simply scroll through and read the terms.

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Note: If a new version of the terms and conditions is uploaded in the future by your customer, each portal user will see the pop-up to Accept or Reject the new version of the document.