Reset Password

To reset your password, you must navigate to the Login screen. This can be done in two ways:

1. By clicking 'Login' at the top of the Safefood360° website.

2. By using the direct URL.

Option 1: Safefood360° Website Login

Option 2: Direct URL

Login Screen

Once within the Login screen, enter your email and click 'Continue'. This will take you to the next screen with the 'Reset Password' option.

1. Reset Password

Click 'Reset Password' to start the process to reset your password.

2. Verifying Email Address

Click the 'Send Verification Code' to verify your email address. You must verify your email address with the system to ensure you are a User.

A 'Verification Code' will be sent to your email address to verify your email.

Take the code noted in the email and place it within the 'Verification Code' field.

Enter the 'Verification Code' and click the 'Verify Code' button. If you need a new 'Verification Code', click the 'Send New Code' button.

Once your email address has been verified, click the 'Continue' button to proceed with resetting your password.

3. Adding New Password

Enter your new password within the 'New Password' open text field. Confirm your new password within the 'Confirm New Password' open text field.

Note: Your password must be a minimum of 10 characters long with at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one number and one special character.

Once you have entered the new password, click the 'Continue' button to confirm the new password.

Your password has now been changed and you will be prompted to log in to the system again with your new password.