Change My Password

1. Access My Profile

To change your password, you must navigate to My Profile. This can be done in two ways:

1. By clicking User Name>My Profile.

2. By clicking Go To>Portal>My Profile.

Option 1: User Name>My Profile

Option 2: Go To>Portal>My Profile

2. Change Password

Once you have navigated to the My Profile page, click 'Change Password' to change your password.

Change Password Page

1. Old Password: Your old password will auto-fill within the 'Old Password' open text field if you have saved your password within your browser. If you have not saved your old password within your browser, enter your old password here.

2. New Password: Enter your new password within the 'New Password' open text field. Ensure to follow the instructions on the password length and characters.

3. Confirm Password: Enter your new password for a second time within the 'Confirm Password' open text field.

4. Save: Click the 'Save' button to save your new password.

5. Cancel: Click the 'Cancel' button to discard any changes and be brought back to the My Profile page.

Note: Your password must be a minimum 10 characters long with at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one number and one special character.