User GuideMaster DataTestsModule TasksAdd Open Data - Barcode Field

Add Open Data - Barcode Field

Presentation title - PowerPoint

Note: The barcode field is only applicable to customers who are using the new Receiving and Inspection Module.

When completing inspections you can scan the barcode of a material or product and it will populate in the record. The barcode can then be validated against the material/product barcode in your MasterData.

1. Enter Details

Enter Open Data Details
  1. Enter the name of the barcode test.
  2. You can group tests into folders in order to help you retrieve and find your tests easier later on when you are building your programmes.
  3. Provide a brief description of what you hope to accomplish with the open data - this description appears when you hover over the name of the test when you are completing records.
  4. If a procedure is required you can select the document here - When completing a record you will be able to click the name of the test (which appears blue) and view or download the document.
  5. If you enable this, when completing inspection records the system will look at the material or product in Master Data which you are doing checks on and confirm the barcode you scan matches with what is in MasterData.