Add a Product Review

A Product Review can be accessed through Management > Management Review > Add Review > Product Review > Select the product to review.

You can also schedule a product review by enabling the periodic review scheduler for the product in Master Data.

1. Enter Product Review Details

Enter Product Review Details
  1. The date of the review.
  2. The name of the product appears here.
  3. If product specification(s) are associated with the product in Master Data they will appear here. Tick to confirm you reviewed the specification.
  4. The reason for the review.
  5. A default list of report questions (items) are generated when the record is created. However, you can add, remove, and change this default list as you wish.
  6. Select whether the report item was reviewed.
  7. Enter any relevant commentary in the report field.
  8. Select the person who conducted each report item review.