Add a Food Safety Plan Review

Food Safety Plan Review records can be manually generated through Management > Management Review > Add Review > Food Safety Plan Review. Otherwise, you can schedule in the Food Safety Plan itself to automatically generate the review record.

1. Enter Food Safety Plan Review Details

Enter Management Review Details
  1. The date the review took place.
  2. Choose the reason for the review from the drop-down e.g. CCP Change, Scheduled, New Food Safety Plan, Preventive Control Change, etc.
  3. State the person who chaired the meeting.
  4. Select the person (usually the secretary) who took the minutes.
  5. Choose the name of the food safety plan the review relates to (this will be already completed if the review record was scheduled from the Food Safety Plan).
  6. Any relevant notes at this stage.
  7. Select any documents that may be required during the review.
  8. Select the employees who were in attendance (their position will automatically appear).
  9. Select the employees who should have been in attendance but could not attend for whatever reason.

2. Enter Food Safety Plan Review Report

Enter Management Review Report
  1. Enter the executive summary of the report.
  2. A default list of Agenda Items will be presented when you create the record. However, there is complete freedom to add, remove, and change this default list to fit the needs of the meeting.
  3. For each agenda item select whether it has been reviewed or not.
  4. You can enter a report for each agenda item.

3. Define any Actions & Opportunities for Improvement

Define any Actions & Opportunities for Improvement

The Action & Improvement Report section allows you to define certain actions to be conducted following the review. At a minimum you should;

  1. Enter the action required that can improve the process.
  2. Select the person responsible for carrying out that action.
  3. Set the deadline by which the action should be conducted.
  4. After defining the actions and deadlines click the Save button to assign the actions (users assigned actions will see these under their My Actions tab).
  5. Any comments on the action taken can be detailed here.
  6. Select the person who completed the action. (This may or may not be the 'responsible person').
  7. Select the date when the action was completed.

If any documents need to be attached to the record use the Actions drop-down on the top right of the record and click Add Attachment.

When all actions are complete you can now save and submit the file.

(You can click on column headings e.g. Deadline, to move the actions into a different order)