Auditing Dashboard

When a user logs into their account and navigate to the Auditing module, they will be presented with a smart module dashboard. The dashboard will contain several smaller ‘Dashlets’ which focus on an aspect of the auditing system. 

The dashboard presents two main elements:

1. Status: The first element the user will notice are the two summary rating dashlets covering audit action, compliance and risk. These present a summary of all the current data in the audit system to let the user know whether they are doing what they are supposed to do and secondly if there are any open audits in the system which may be increasing risk.

 2. Key Data and Trends: Secondly, the User will find several new dashlets which present the most important activity data relating to audits. For example, you will see in a clear and informative way, data on the number of audits that are open and overdue.

1. Open Audits

The dashlet displays analysis on the total number of open audit records, along with the total overdue and those which have a significant risk assigned to them. The dashlet also provides a breakdown of the actions by their source auditing program.

1. The number of open audit records.

2. The number of open records which are overdue.

3. The number of overdue records that carry a significant risk.

4. The graph displays the audit programmes from which the open records were generated and the quantity that are open. You can click on the source bar to access the source.

2. Auditing Compliance

The Compliance dashlet displays the current compliance rating of the auditing module. Compliance is a measure of all the activities which should be currently completed. For example, if there are 100 auditing actions due for completion and only 50 are completed, then you will be operating at a 50% compliance rating. You are aiming for 100% compliance.

If the auditing module is below 33% compliance, the current compliance rating bar will appear red. Between 33% and 66%, the bar will appear orange and above 66% the bar will appear green. 

3. Auditing Risk

The Risk dashlet displays the current risk rating of the auditing module. Risk is a measure of all the auditing activities which have been risk assessed as being significant and which should be currently completed. For example, if there are 100 significant risk auditing actions due for completion and only 50 have been completed, then the auditing module will be operating at a 50% risk rating. You are aiming for 0% risk.

If the auditing module is below 33% risk, the current risk rating bar will appear green. Between 33% and 66% the bar will appear orange and above 66% the bar will appear red.

4. Overdue Audits

The dashlet displays analysis on all actions which have become overdue.

1. The dashlet displays the number of overdue actions and which of these overdue actions carry a significant risk. 

2. The dashlet will display the source of the overdue actions by audit program. You can click on the source bar to directly take you to the source programme. You can hover over the bar to see the exact quantity of overdue records generated from the programme.

3. The bottom of the dashlet displays the days overdue. Displayed in orange are the number of actions overdue by 15+ days, displayed in blue is the number of actions overdue between 8 - 14 days and displayed in grey are the number of actions overdue by 1-7 days.

5. Audit Alerts

The dashlet displays analysis on the audit alerts which have been triggered in the last 24 hours. The dashlet also displays the most recent alerts.

1. The volume of alerts that have been fired in the past 24 hours is displayed here.

2. Special emphasis is given to alerts with a significant risk. You can see how many of the alerts fired carry a significant risk.  

3. Two graphs display the hour at which the alerts were fired, and the quantity fired. The graph to the left shows significant risk alerts. Hovering over the bar shows you how many alerts were fired.

4. The 10 most recently posted alerts are also indicated for easy linking to the relevant record. You can click on the alert to access the source. Alerts that carry a significant risk are highlighted in orange.

6. Audits by Result

The dashlet displays analysis on the total number of completed audits in the last 12 months and shows the number which have failed and the total percentage of audits that failed in the last 12 months.

1. The total number of completed audit records in the last 12 months.

2. The total number of audit records that failed in the last 12 months

3. The audit failure rate for the last 12 months.

4. The graph shows the number of failed audits by week for the last 8 weeks. You can hover over the plotted points to see the exact quantity of failed audits.

5. The graph shows the programmes from which failed audits were generated from and the quantity of failed audits from that programme. You can click on the bar to access the programme.

7. Audits by Non-conformance

The dashlet displays analysis on the total number of audits in which non-conformance's were raised for the last 12 months.

1. This is the total number of non-conformance's raised in audits over the last 12 months.

2. This is the total number of non-conformance's which were deemed as critical or major over the last 12 months.

3. This is the critical/major non-conformance rate for the last 12 months.

4. The graph plots the total number of non-conformance's raised per month. You can hover over the points to see the exact quantity.

5. The graph shows the total non-conformances by programme. In the above example, records generated from the GMP Audit programme generated 15 non-conformances over the last 12 months. Clicking on the bar takes you directly to the programme.

8. Recent Audit Activities

The dashlet displays analysis on the volume of activity in the auditing module based on the number of actions completed such as records and workflow stages.  An activity is a stamp on a stage of a record.

1. This is the total number of stamps created on records in the auditing module over the last 7 days. 

2. This is the total number of stamps created on audits records over the past 7 days which have a significant risk. 

3. The graph displays the volume of audit record stamps by week. Hover over the plotted points to see the exact number of actions. The chart will display data for the last 12 weeks.

4. The 10 most recent audit records that have been stamped by users are listed here. You can click on the name of the record to access the record. Records that carry a significant risk are highlighted in orange.

9. Audits Volume

The audits volume dashlet displays analysis of the total number of audits created in the past 12 months.

1. The total number of audit records created in the last 12 months.

2. Of all the audit records created in the past 12 months, the quantity of audits identified as having a significant risk is displayed here.

3. The graph displays the number of audits created by month for the past 12 months. You can hover over the points on the graph to see the exact quantity of audit records created for that month.

10. Audits by Score

This dashlet displays analysis on the total number of audits with scoring completed in the last 12 months. The dashlet populates the analytics only from audit records that had a scoring.

1. The total number of audits completed with a score over the last 12 months.

2. The average audit score over the last 12 months.

3. Audit failure rate over the last 12 months.

4. The graph displays analysis of the average audit score by week. You can hover over the points on the graph to see the exact average score of audits for that week.

5. The graph displays, in ascending order, average score of records by programme. To access the programme, you can click on the bar.

11. Open Audits by Stage

This dashlet displays analysis on the total number of open auditing records by their stage in the audit workflow as a percentage (This takes into consideration all record types: Internal Audits, Site Audits and Site Self Assessments).

1.  Audit records in Safefood360° are broken into workflow stages. For open audit records, here you will see the stages in which the records are in.

2. The graph shows the percentage of open audit records that are in each workflow stage. In the above example, 13% of open audit records are in the Audit Result stage.