Add a Site Self-Assessment

1. Enter Self-Assessment Details

Enter Self Assessment Details
  1. Select the date of the self-assessment report.
  2. Select the main contact point for the site.
  3. Select the person who completed the self-assessment report (this may or may not be the main contact).
  4. Include the position of this person within the company structure.
  5. If any documents were associated in the programme they will be displayed here. Click to view the documents.

2. Enter Self-Assessment Audit Report (Site contact to complete this stage)

Enter Self Assessment Audit Report (Site contact to complete this stage)

Complete the questionnaire:

  1. Work through the checklist and select the correct answer in the response column. Remember that different rating methods are used so some self-assessments might use a simple Yes / No scale, whereas some other self-assessments will have different answering options.
  2. You can add notes and comments in this column to support your answer.
  3. Sometimes you might be asked to submit a file as a part of the audit, or perhaps you want to add some supporting evidence yourself. You may do so by clicking the "Add File" link. This attachment will be associated with the particular audit check you have selected.

3. Check the Self-Assessment Questionnaire (Auditor to complete this stage)

Check the Self Assessment Questionnaire (Auditor to complete this stage)

Once the site contact has completed the questionnaire you will want to check their answers and see that they have attached all the necessary documents. If necessary, you can generate corrective actions based on your findings.

In the above example, the auditor chose to add a little note to the audit item and generate a corrective action by ticking the box to the far right.

4. Enter Non-Conformance Report

Enter Nonconformance Report

The non-conformance report can be used to list any non-conformances uncovered by the audit and which are due for action and follow-up.

  1. Give any notes and specifications about the non-conformance.
  2. Select the category of non-conformance - Critical, Major, or Minor.
  3. List the responsible employee for investigating the non-conformance.
  4. Select a due date.
  5. You can provide a small report when necessary.

5. Complete Self-Assessment Result

Complete Self Assessment Result
  1.  The audit score will be automatically calculated based on the answers given in the self-assessment and the Rating scale that has been used.
  2. The audit result is automatically selected based on the Rating scale that has been used, but you may also manually change the result by using your discretion.
  3. The audit rating is automatically selected based on the Rating scale that has been used, but you may also manually change the rating by using your discretion.
  4. Define any scope of approval e.g. customer.

5.1. Summary Table

Summary Table

The scores, results, ratings, as wells as the number of non-conformances in each segment of the audit are displayed.

5.2. Responses Table

Responses Table

The number of different answers in each section of the audit is displayed in the table.

In the above table we can read that there were overall 2 questions that were answered "True" and only 1 question that was answered "False".

5.3. Report

  1. Enter a report to conclude the self-assessment audit.