Add a Training Programme

The Training Module in Safefood 360° is designed to allow users set up, plan and record training programmes required to meet the GFSI and food retailer standards. The module is integrated with other modules within the application and facilitates the building of bespoke training programmes catered for individual employees, their job descriptions, role and responsibilities. To build a programme the user first defines the various job descriptions followed by the specific employees. Training programmes are then specified and associated with an employee based on a risk assessment of the employee’s duties, nature and stage of employment and food safety standard requirements.

How to Set Up a Training Programme

1. Enter Training Programme Details

Enter Training Program Details
  1. Enter the name of the training programme.
  2. Enter a description of the training programme.
  3. Select the trainer which can be either an employee or supplier.
  4. Select the location where the training will be conducted.
  5. Select the duration of the training in hours or days.
  6. Conduct a brief risk assessment and enter your justification.
  7. List the learning objectives of the training programme.
  8. Include what content will be covered during the training.

2. Enable Periodic Review Schedule

Enable Review Schedule

If you enable the periodic review scheduler, a training review record will generate automatically in the Management Review Module. Set the date the first training review record should generate on and set the repeat frequency e.g. every 1 year. You can set the Action notice to 0 and the first review record will open on the Start Date set and repeat generating at the frequency defined. If you set an action notice e.g. 5 days, the review record will open 5 days in advance.

3. Define Training Programme Content

Define Training Program Content
  1. List the content requirements of the training programme.
  2. Select any relevant training procedures or documents which will be used during the training.

4. Define Review Checklist

Define Review Checklist
  1. Select the checklist that will be presented at the Training Review stage of the workflow. The checklist selected is intended for reviewing how the training session went.

5. Define Training Competency Assessment

Define Training Competency Assessment

If you wish to conduct a very basic competency assessment following the training you can use this section.

  1. Enter the examination question and correct answer.
  2. Select the exam assessor.