Add a Final Product

1. Enter Product Details

Enter Product Details
  1. Enter the final product name.
  2. Enter the internal identification number or trace code for this final product.
  3. Define a folder where the product is stored. This helps you find and store the total amount of products you supply for easier reference later.
  4. Select from categories any subcategory you want to associate with the product e.g. raw products.
  5. Enter a brief description of the final product.

2. Select Allergens (if applicable)

Select Allergens (if applicable)

If the final product contains allergens you should select them all here.

3. Select Identity Preservation (if applicable)

Select Identity Preservation (if applicable)

If the final product requires identity preservation you should select all identities here.

4. Enable Review

Enable Review

If you wish to review the product on a scheduled basis you can set that here. A product review record will open in the Management Review Module.

1. Set the start date which is the date you want the record to first open on.

2. Set the frequency at which you want records to automatically generate on e.g. 1 Year.

3. Set an action notice e.g. 6 days, if you want the review record to open in advance of the date set.

4. Tick Send Email Notification to add users who should be notified when the review record opens.

5. Select Product Specifications

Select Product Specifications

Here you can link your product specifications to your product. Your product specifications are documents that you have uploaded to the Document Control module.

  1. Select specification from the Document Control module.
  2. If this specification relates to a specific customer you can select it here.
  3. If this specification relates to a specific brand you can select it here.
  4. This field shows the approval status of this document in the document control module. You cannot change this field - it is for information purposes only.
  5. With one click you can open and view the specification.