Add a Monitoring Record

1. Enter Monitoring Record Details

  1. Select the date of the record.
  2. This is the line number, it will appear automatically as you click the 'Add Line' button.
  3. The monitoring record will always have a Sample column appearing by default at the start of the record.  Select the sample point(s) if required.
  4. Tests - Enter the result for each test.
  5. When a test name appears blue, a procedure document was associated with the test in the tests module, you can access this document by clicking the column heading.
  6. The overall specification result will be calculated automatically based on the result of variable and attribute tests in the line (Open data tests not calculated in this overall result). The overall result will always be the worst outcome of all tests for that sample point. So for example, if you have 6 tests for a particular sample point and 5 of them pass with only one fail - then the overall result for that sample will be a fail. If you do not enter a result for a test then that test will be recorded as not conducted. 
  7. Your name will appear against the line you are completing automatically, if it does not, simply click into the field and select your name from the list of employees.
  8. You can add multiple lines to a single monitoring record. This allows you to include for example all monitoring points from a single day in just one record. For example, every time a new product batch is finished the operator can simply click "Add Line" and fill in the details for the latest batch. This way you can avoid creating multiple overlapping records and keep your documentation tidy.
  9. If an overall document/procedure has been associated with the programme it will appear here. Click on the name of the document to view it.
  10. Enter a report if relevant.
  11. If a re-test is required then check this box. Only the sample point, trace number and failed tests will be brought into the retest stage.
  12. While working in a record click Save to save your work (records can be accessed again from the Actions tab in the Monitoring Module).
  13. When the monitoring record section is completed, click Save & Submit to progress to the next stage.

Note: The 'No.' and 'Sample' fields are frozen within the 'Monitoring Record' workflow stage when in 'Edit' mode only.

1.1. Review and Acknowledge Event Notices

Review and Acknowledge Event Notices

Each test result can have a corresponding notice which is displayed when you save the monitoring record. You should read and then acknowledge the notice by pressing Ok.

2. Conduct a Re-test (if applicable)

Conduct a Re-test (if applicable)
  1.  When a re-test record is generated it will only display tests which failed the initial record.
  2. Enter a report if relevant.

3. Complete the Verification

Complete the Verification
  1. Complete the verification checklist.
  2. Enter a report if relevant.
  3. Decide to release or conduct a non-conformance/deviation.

4. Conduct a Non-Conformance / Deviation (if applicable)

Conduct a Non-conformance / Deviation (if applicable)

In the event of a non-conformance or deviation you can record the details in this section.

  1. Enter the details of the non-conformance/deviation.
  2. Define any actions required, the persons responsible and the deadline for completion.
  3. Enter a report if relevant.

Remember: If needed, a Corrective Action can be launched through the Actions tab.