Adding a New Food Safety Plan
There are two options for adding a Food Safety Plan into the system:
1. Create a new Food Safety Plan from scratch directly in the module by clicking the 'Add Food Safety Plan' button.
2. Duplicate an existing Food Safety Plan by clicking the 'Actions>Copy' button and making any minor changes required to make the new Food Safety Plan.
Options for Creating a New Food Safety Plan
Option 1: Click the 'Add Food Safety Plan' Button
1. New Food Safety Plans can be created by clicking the 'Add Food Safety Plan' button while in the Food Safety Plan module. This will provide you with a blank Food Safety Plan to build from scratch.
Option 2: Duplicate an Existing Food Safety Plan using the 'Actions>Copy' Button
Copying existing Food Safety Plans is designed to save you a lot of time. By selecting an existing Food Safety Plan which is similar to the one you wish to create, you will only need to make minor changes, instead of building a new Food Safety Plan from scratch.
If you wish to copy an existing Food Safety Plan, you will need to navigate to said Food Safety Plan by clicking on the name of the Food Safety Plan within the 'Approved' or 'Actions' Tab to access the 'Actions' button, where the 'Copy' function lies. All Approved Food Safety Plans are located under the 'Approved' Tab and Food Safety Plans that are still under construction/awaiting approval will appear under the 'Actions' Tab.
1. Click the 'Actions>Copy' button to copy an existing Food Safety Plan you have already created in the application. This will provide you with an exact copy of the previous Food Safety Plan, where you can make changes to create your new Food Safety Plan.
Navigating the Food Safety Plan Sections
After clicking the 'Add Food Safety Plan' button or the 'Actions>Copy' button to create a new Food Safety Plan, you will be brought to the Study Details section of the Food Safety Plan. The Study Details section must be completed and saved before the other sections within the Food Safety Plan section menu will be accessible. The other sections will remain greyed out until the 'Save' button has been clicked within the Study Details.
The Food Safety Plan section menu is located on the left of the screen and is designed to ensure the User follows the correct steps and principles of Food Safety Planning as defined by CODEX and all the major GFSI Standards.
- Study Details: This section provides overall details on the plan such as the Food Safety Team, the Approver(s) of the Food Safety Plan, the Risk Assessment Model and Decision Tree Model used in the Hazards Analysis, the Product Data details, etc. Click here for more information on the Study Details section.
- Materials: This section allows you to select Materials from MasterData that are used to produce the Product(s) the Food Safety Plan relates to. Click here for more information on the Materials section.
- Flow Diagrams: This section provides a schematic tool for building the Flow Diagram(s) relating to the Food Safety Plan. Click here for more information on the Flow Diagram section.
- Hazard Analysis: This section allows you to conduct a Hazard Analysis for each Process Step. Click here for more information on the Hazard Analysis section.
- Plans: This section summarises all of the Monitoring Details completed throughout the Hazards Analysis and is where the final approval of the Food Safety Plan is conducted. Click here for more information on the Plans section.
- Process Steps: This section allows you to detail the names of the Process Steps within the Food Safety Plan, along with a Description of each Process Step. Click here for more information on the Process Steps section.
Note: Once the Study Details section has been saved, the order of the Food Safety Plan section menu will slightly change. Hazard Analysis, Process Steps and Plans will all change order as seen above.