Creating a Food Defense Plan

In Safefood360° there is no specific module to create a food defense plan. However, parts of the plan are built in different areas of the system and then a report can be run to pull all of these parts together to create the food defense plan.

This report can be generated in the Reports Tab of the Food Safety Plan Module.

Click on the below PowerPoint presentation to learn more about how to setup a food defense plan.

Company details and system summary is the first section to be seen in the Food Defense Plan report. For the information to populate in this section, you need to complete the details in System Summary in Settings. The specific fields to complete which pull into the report are:

1. Plant Address

2. System Scope

3. Plant Registration Number

Food Defense Team Training

Food defense training for employees comes from the Training module. For the information to populate in the report, a training programme for food defense needs to be created and then training records can be generated as people are trained on food defense. Once an employee has been on a training record for food defense the information will populate in the report and the link to the most recent training record will be available through the report.

1. In order for the information to populate firstly a food defense training programme is set up in the Training Module and the programme should be given a particular naming convention: FOOD DEFENSE AWARENESS. For more details on how to add a training programme please refer to How to Add a Training Program.

2. A training record should be generated and completed adding the names of employees who completed the food defense awareness training. In the Training Module click 'Add Training' to add a record. Click here for more information on how to complete training records.

Vulnerability Assessment: Study Details, Food Defense Plan Team, Product/Process Checklist, Vulnerability Assessment Outcome, Mitigation Strategies

The majority of the Food Defense report comprises of the vulnerability assessment. The vulnerability assessment is added as a Food Safety Plan and the information completed in it populates in the relevant section of the Food Defense Plan - Study Details, Product/Process Checklist, Food Defense Plan Team, Vulnerability Assessment Outcome and Mitigation Strategies, Vulnerability Assessment Approver. A vulnerability assessment is added by clicking 'Add Food Safety Plan' in the Food Safety Plan module. It is important to include the words VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT in the name of the plan so the system can pull the information completed into the Food Defense report.

1. Name: Include in the field Product/Process the words Vulnerability Assessment.

2. Study Details: The information completed in the scope field populates in the study details section in the Food Defense report.

3. Models: A risk model and decision tree which will be used in the vulnerability assessment should be selected here. Use the system models available or create your risk model and decision tree.

4. Vulnerability Assessment Approvers: Add in this section the users who need to approve the vulnerability assessment, they will appear in the food defense report.

5. Food Defense Plan Team: The food defense team in the report comes from the section Food Safety Team in the food safety plan.

6. Product/Process Checklist: The information in this section of the report comes from the Product Data section in the food safety plan.

Vulnerability Assessment: This section of the report comes from the hazard analysis section of the food safety plan.

1. Process Step Name: The name of the step pulls from here into the food defense report.

2. Details: The details field in the food safety plan pulls into the report.

3. Risk Criteria: The risk criteria, description, and total risk will be pulled into the report.

1. Vulnerability Assessment Outcome: The information completed in this section comes from the decision tree result and decision report.

2. Mitigation Strategies: This section of the food defense report pulls from the Monitoring Details sections of the hazard analysis in the food safety plan.

Mitigation Strategies Monitoring

You can use the monitoring module to add monitoring of any mitigation strategies e.g. checks on tank security to ensure locks are in place.

1. A monitoring programme needs to be created and the programme will need to include FOOD DEFENSE MONITORING in the name to allow information completed in records from the programme to populate in the food defense plan. Click here for more information on how to create a monitoring programme.

2. Ensure the programme is associated in the monitoring details where it applies in the food safety plan (Select the monitoring programme under the column Record).

3. Once a record is completed from the programme the information will populate in the Food Defense report. The most recent record will be linked.

Corrective Action

After the completion of a monitoring record for food defense monitoring, if a non-conformance has occurred you can add a Corrective Action and the information completed in the corrective action will populate the corrective action section of the Food Defense plan.

While in the monitoring record click Actions > Add Related Record > Corrective Action.

Food Defense Plan Verification

If you conduct audits for verification and would like the Food Defense Plan Verification section of the report to be completed, an auditing programme is required to be set up and a record completed (the most recent record data populates in the report).

1. Add an auditing programme in the auditing module and ensure to include FOOD DEFENSE PLAN VERIFICATION in the name of the programme.

2. Complete records from the programme as required - the information will populate in the Food Defense Plan report and links to any corrective actions raised will be available too. Note: it is important to not rename auditing records to ensure the name of the auditing records continue to contain 'Food Defense Plan Verification' as the Food Defense report pulls records that contain this in their name.

Emergency Contacts

1. Emergency contact information needs to be added to Master Data > Contacts > Organisations. The contact should be added to a folder called Food Defense Plan so the report can pull the contacts in the folder into the food defense report.