Monitoring Reports

The Monitoring Module contains a number of different types of reports:

1. Trending Reports: Variable Test Trending Report, Attribute Trending Report, and Pass Rate by Test. These reports allow you to identify trends over time. They are based on attribute and variable test types which make up monitoring programmes.

2. Report Registers: Monitoring Test Register by Sample, Programme, Test, and Open Data Test. These reports are lists (registers) of records by status/type.

3 Data Export: The Export to Excel Report allows you to export data in the monitoring module for further analysis and reporting. The export to excel shows the last 12 months of data.

Note:  Added record data can take up to one hour to be reflected in the system reports.

Variable Test Trending Report

  1. Use the From and To date fields to set the time-frame the data should be displayed for.
  2. Select the Test you want to see the data on.
  3. Select the samples you want to see the data for.
  4. Choose from the drop-down the frequency you would like the data to be shown for: Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
  5. After you filter, use the update button to update the report.
  6. Use the arrows to move through the pages display the data.
  7. Use the export button to export the report e.g. to excel, word, pdf, etc.
  8. The heading section displays the name of the test the chosen and the samples the report is displaying analysis for.
  9. The graph plots the number of test counts on the graph and uses colour coding to show the number of tests that passed (green), failed (red), and pass-warning (orange).
  10. For each sample the report shows the Pass Percentage. See below for more details on the pass percentage colour coding.
  11. The Total Column shows the test count per sample.

This is the logic behind this report:

This has two counts:

  1. Counts all tests in samples with the status result as 'Pass' or 'Pass, Warning.'
  2. Counts all tests in samples regardless of the status.

Pass Percentage:

  • This is the calculation behind it: It divides Total Passes (Count 1) by Total Tests (Count2)
  • The field will have a light grey background if it is null or blank. 
  • The field will have a red background if the result is less than 90%.
  • The field will have a green background if the result is 90% or higher.


  • The calculation here will sum up the results on the Pass column and divides it by the sum of all results in the Total column.
  • The field will have a red background if it is null or blank.
  • The field will have a red background if the result is less than 90%.
  • The field will have a green background if the result is 90% or higher.

Attribute Test Trending Report

  1. Use the From and To date fields to set the time-frame the data should be displayed for.
  2. Select the Test you want to see the data on.
  3. Select the samples you want to see the data for.
  4. Choose from the drop-down the frequency you would like the data to be shown for: Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
  5. After you filter, use the update button to update the report.
  6. Use the arrows to move through the pages display the data.
  7. Use the export button to export the report e.g. to excel, word, pdf, etc.
  8. The heading section displays the name of the test the chosen and the samples the report is displaying analysis for.
  9. The graph plots the number of test counts on the graph and uses colour coding to show the number of tests that passed (green), failed (red), and pass-warning (orange).
  10. The Pass, Warning Count show for the test how many of the total count were a Pass, Warning.
  11. For each sample the report shows the Pass Percentage. See below for more details on the pass percentage colour coding.
  12. The Total Column shows the test count per sample.

This is the logic behind this report:

This has two counts:

  1. Counts all tests in samples with the status result as 'Pass' or 'Pass, Warning.'
  2. Counts all tests in samples regardless of the status.

Pass Percentage:

  • This is the calculation behind it: It divides Total Passes (Count 1) by Total Tests (Count2)
  • The field will have a light grey background if it is null or blank. 
  • The field will have a red background if the result is less than 90%.
  • The field will have a green background if the result is 90% or higher.


  • The calculation here will sum up the results on the Pass column and divides it by the sum of all results in the Total column.
  • The field will have a red background if it is null or blank.
  • The field will have a red background if the result is less than 90%.
  • The field will have a green background if the result is 90% or higher.

Pass Rate by Test

  1. Use the From and To date fields to set the time-frame the data should be displayed for.
  2. Select the Test you want to see the data on.
  3. After you filter, use the update button to update the report.
  4. Use the arrows to move through the pages display the data.
  5. Use the export button to export the report e.g. to excel, word, pdf, etc.
  6. The heading section displays the name of the test the report is displaying analysis for.
  7. The blue bars in the graph show the pass percentage for the test by month and plotted against the bar graph is a line graph (orange) showing the test (sample) count.
  8. The table shows the sample count for the per month and it is totaled in the last column under Total.
  9. The table shows the Pass Percentage per month and under the total column is an overall pass percentage for the time frame set.

Monitoring Test Register by Sample

  1. Use the From and To date fields to set the time-frame the data should be displayed for.
  2. Choose the samples you want to show in the report.
  3. Select the programmes you want to see the data on for the samples selected.
  4. After you filter, use the update button to update the report.
  5. Use the arrows to move through the pages display the data.
  6. Use the export button to export the report e.g. to excel, word, pdf, etc.
  7. The name of the samples are displayed in this column.
  8. The trace number for the sample is displayed here.
  9. The name of the programme the sample relates to is displayed in this column.
  10. The date the record was conducted is displayed here.
  11. The name of the tests are displayed here for the sample and programme selected.
  12. The CCP column indicates if the test was marked a CCP i.e., Yes or No.
  13. The value of the test is displayed here.
  14. The result of the test appears here for variable and attribute tests that have a Pass, Fail, and Pass Warning limits.
  15. If the test failed and the retest stage was opened the column will display Yes that a retest was conducted and No when it wasn't.
  16. The retest value will display here.
  17. The result of the retest is displayed here i.e., pass, fail, or pass warning.
  18. The name of the employee who completed the record.
  19. The name of the user who completed the record verification.

Monitoring Test Register by Programme

  1. Use the From and To date fields to set the time-frame the data should be displayed for.
  2. Choose the programme(s) you want to show in the report.
  3. Choose to filter the report by status of the monitoring record if required.
  4. Set Archive to Off if you want to see archived data in the report.
  5. After you filter, use the update button to update the report.
  6. Use the arrows to move through the pages display the data.
  7. Use the export button to export the report e.g. to excel, word, pdf, etc.
  8. The record number is displayed in this column.
  9. The date the record was conducted is displayed here.
  10. The name of the record is displayed in this column. Click the name of the record to access it in the system.
  11. The status of the record is displayed in this column.
  12. The name of the samples are displayed in this column.
  13. The trace number for the sample is displayed here.
  14. All the specific tests for the programme(s) selected are displayed here.
  15. The overall result for the sample checked is displayed here i.e, Pass, Fail, or Pass warning.
  16. The name of the employee who completed the check.
  17. Any comments added to the report field of the record are displayed here.
  18. The Archive column allows you to see if the data is archived (Yes) or not (No) in the system.

Monitoring Test Register by Test

  1. Use the From and To date fields to set the time-frame the data should be displayed for.
  2. Select the test(s) you want to see the data for.
  3. Choose the sample(s) you want to show in the report.
  4. After you filter, use the update button to update the report.
  5. Use the arrows to move through the pages display the data.
  6. Use the export button to export the report e.g. to excel, word, pdf, etc.
  7. The name of the samples are displayed in this column.
  8. The trace number for the sample is displayed here.
  9. The name of the programme the sample relates to is displayed in this column.
  10. The date the record was conducted is displayed here.
  11. The name of the test is displayed here for the samples selected.
  12. The CCP column indicates if the test was marked a CCP i.e., Yes or No.
  13. The value of the test is displayed here.
  14. The result of the test appears here for variable and attribute tests that have a Pass, Fail, and Pass Warning limits.
  15. If the test failed and the retest stage was opened the column will display Yes that a retest was conducted and No when it wasn't.
  16. The retest value will display here.
  17. The result of the retest is displayed here i.e., pass, fail, or pass warning.
  18. The name of the employee who completed the record.
  19. The name of the user who completed the record verification.

Monitoring Test Register by Open Data Test

  1. Use the From and To date fields to set the time-frame the data should be displayed for.
  2. Choose the sample(s) you want to show in the report.
  3. Select if the record should show archived records - set to Off for the archived data to be displayed.
  4. Select the test(s) you want to see the data for.
  5. After you filter, use the update button to update the report.
  6. Use the arrows to move through the pages display the data.
  7. Use the export button to export the report e.g., to excel, word, pdf, etc.
  8. The name of the samples are displayed in this column.
  9. The trace number for the sample is displayed here.
  10. The name of the programme the sample relates to is displayed in this column.
  11. The date the record was conducted is displayed here.
  12. The name of the open data test is displayed here.
  13. The value of the test is displayed here.
  14. The name of the user who completed the record.
  15. The column shows if the data is archived.

Export to Excel

The export to excel has 3 tabs: Record, Program, and Result.

  • The Record tab allows you to see the names of all records which includes a link to the record in the system, the conducted date of the record, its current status and completed date.
  • The Program tab allows you to see all programme names, the date a record was last conducted from the programme, how many records are currently open from the programme and who is responsible for the programme.
  • The Result tab allows you to see all records and the test details completed in the records.