Add a Receiving Record

1. Enter Delivery Record Details

Enter Delivery Record Details
  1. Select the Date and Time of the delivery.
  2. Enter the delivery PO number if required.
  3. Select the supplier of the goods being delivered.
  4. The delivery checks table columns are divided into two sections and are presented in the following order.
  • Tests and Result Column - Enter the result for each test and the overall result will be calculated automatically. If you do not enter a result for a test then that test will be recorded as not conducted. The overall result will always be the worst outcome of all tests for the delivery. So for example, if you have 6 tests for the delivery and 5 of them pass with only one fail - then the overall result for the delivery will be a fail. Note - where a procedure document was assigned to a test in the tests module, you can access this document by clicking the column heading.
  • Non-Test Data fields and Completed By - If any non-test data is required (as defined by the program) then you can enter it next. Finally, you will need to select the person completing the delivery tests.
  1. The Material/Ingredient checks table columns are divided into three sections and are presented in the following order:
  • Select the Material/Ingredient in receipt, the ID, the Quantity and the Unit (if applicable).
  • Tests and Result Column - Enter the result for each test and the overall result will be calculated automatically. If you do not enter a result for a test then that test will be recorded as not conducted. The overall result will always be the worst outcome of all tests for that material/ingredient. So for example, if you have 6 tests and 5 of them pass with only one fail - then the overall result for that material/ingredient will be a fail. Note - where a procedure document was assigned to a test in the tests module, you can access this document by clicking the column heading.
  • Non-Test Data fields and Completed By - If any non-test data is required (as defined by the programme) then you can enter it next. Finally, you will need to select the person completing the delivery tests.
  1. Enter a report with any observations or notes if relevant.
  2. If a re-test is required then check this box.

1.1. Review and Acknowledge Event Notices

1.1 1.1 Review and Acknowledge Event Notices

Each test result can have a corresponding notice which is displayed when you save the receiving record. You should read and then acknowledge the notices by pressing Ok.

2. Conduct a Re-test (if applicable)

Conduct a Re-test (if applicable)
  1. When a re-test record is generated it will only display tests that failed the initial record for the delivery.
  2. When a re-test record is generated it will only display tests that failed the initial record for the material /ingredient.
  3. Enter a report with any notes or observations if relevant.

3. Complete the Result

Complete the Result
  1. The overall result is calculated automatically based upon the preceding delivery record and Re-test (if applicable).
  2. Enter a Report if relevant.
  3. Check the box if the delivery can be released.

Remember: If needed, a Corrective Action can always be launched through the Actions menu.