Add a Complaint

The complaints module allows you to capture and trend complaints from customers. The complaint record workflow also allows you to add complaints against your suppliers and related sites.

1. Enter Customer & General Details of Complaint

Enter Customer & General Details of Complaint
  1. Choose the date of the complaint.
  2. Declare the Customer the complaint relates to (You can also select from Suppliers and Sites).
  3. State the source of the complaint, i.e. Did it come from central purchasing or a regulatory body? etc.
  4. What was the method through which the complaint was received? e.g. Email, Phone, Post, etc.
  5. Provide a reference number for the complaint.
  6. Record all pertinent information relating to how the complaint sample was retrieved.

2. Enter Consumer Details (If Applicable)

Enter Consumer Details (If Applicable)

If the complaint was received from a consumer and their details are known to you then you can record them here.

  1. Consumer's name.
  2. Consumer's home address.
  3. Where they purchased the product.
  4. Consumer's phone number.
  5. Consumer's mobile phone number.
  6. Consumer's email address.

3. Enter Product Details

Enter Product Details
  1. Select the Product the complaint has been made against from the drop-down menu (You can also select from Materials and Services). Enter the quantity opposite.
  2. Select the date and time of manufacture of this batch of product.
  3. Select the durability date (Best Before or Use By) of this batch of product.
  4. Enter the Traceability Lot or Batch number for this product.
  5. Select the Brand this product complaint relates to. This can be very useful for making trending reports later on.
  6. Select the specific Production Line this batch of product was produced on. This can be very useful for making trending reports later on.

4. Enter Complaint Details

Enter Complaint Details
  1. Select the non-conformance.
  2. Give a detailed description of the complaint lodged.
  3. Appoint an employee responsible for reviewing the complaint.

5. Complete Complaint Review

Complete Complaint Review

When the complaint details are completed, the Review stage will open and if a responsible person for review was selected in the previous stage, they will be notified on their My Actions Tab (or by email if an alert is set up). The reviewer should complete the review details here.

  1. Make a decision on the complaint, is it a valid genuine complaint or invalid.
  2. Provide a report in the report field.
  3. If a Corrective Action needs to be generated, click Actions > Add Related Record > Corrective Action.

Note: The risk of the complaint record comes from the risk of the non-conformance selected.  If they have no risk they become overdue after 14 days and if they have a risk of low, medium, or high they become overdue after 7 days on the dashboard if not closed out.