Export to Excel

Every module in the application provides an 'Export to Excel' option which will export the entire contents of the module into a Microsoft Excel Workbook for download. This can be useful if you want to conduct advanced analysis on your data which is not provided for in the current set of reports.

1. Click Export to Excel

Click Export to Excel

From the Reports tab click 'Export to Excel'.

2. Save or Open the File

Save or Open the File

Be patient while the system generates your workbook. It can take up to 30 seconds depending upon the amount of data in the module. If prompted, click to Open or Save the file, otherwise, the file should download automatically.

3. Excel Workbook

You now have the contents of the module in an excel workbook. Depending on the module you have generated the workbook from there will be multiple worksheets in the excel e.g. generating the excel from the complaints module provides one tab with complaints data, whereas generating an excel from the Auditing module will show multiple tabs as the module has programmes etc.

Excel Workbook