Add a Business Process Programme

The Business Process module allows you to create programmes that contain:

  • Any number of stages that you get to name yourself
  • Any number of tasks
  • Tasks can be assigned to people and they can have deadlines
  • A stage can contain an approval workflow that is required to continue to the next stage

Examples of typical uses for this module can include:

  • New product development processes
  • Management of change processes
  • Complicated reporting processes that take a long time and require multiple milestones
  • Introduction of new equipment to the factory

Click here for a webinar on the Business Process Module.

1. Give Background Details

Give background details
  1. In the first stage, you should give your Business Process a name.
  2. Define the scope of the programme.
  3. Risk assess the programme by selecting None, Low, Medium, or High from the risk value drop-down.
  4. Assign the programme to an employee who will be responsible for its implementation - Process Owner
  5. Select any procedures that will be required during the process.

2. Enable Scheduler

Enable scheduler

Using the scheduler is optional, but if you have a process that repeats predictably, you can turn the scheduler on.

3. Design your Stages

Design your process steps
  1. First, give the process step/stage a name.
  2. If you wish to assign the responsibility of this process stage to someone you may do so, but it is not mandatory.
  3. Next, define a list of tasks that need to be completed at this stage. You can set a responsible person for the task/action, or leave it blank and the task/action can be assigned by the process owner or stage owner in the record. Deadlines for actions can also be left blank and then set in the record.
  4. You can associate a document with a task and when the record generates the person responsible for the task can click and view the document.
  5. An action can be made mandatory by ticking the mandatory checkbox, a stage will not be permitted to be Saved & Submitted until all mandatory actions have been completed.
  6. You can create an approval workflow for each stage. The process record will not proceed to the next stage until the approver has logged in to approve the stage.
  7. Use the blue arrows to move actions/tasks up and down. Delete an action with the X.
  8. You can move stages up and down using these buttons. If a stage is no longer applicable you can quickly delete it by clicking the Delete button.
  9. If you wish to add further stages to the process simply click 'Add Stage'. You can add any number of stages to your process.

Specific Editing Rules for Business Process Records

Process Owner Responsible for entire process
  • Can modify stage owners
  • Can modify stage actions
  • Can modify stage approvers
  • Can submit stage to move to next
Stage Owner Responsible for process stage
  • Can modify stage actions
  • Can modify stage approvers
  • Can submit stage to move to next
Action Owner Responsible for specific action
  • Can complete action
  • Cannot submit stage to move to next
Stage Approver Responsible for approval of stage
  • Can approve (approve/disapprove) stage
  • Cannot submit stage to move to next

Due to the nature of the Business Process module, there are specific restrictions in place on who is allowed to edit tasks, change tasks, change approvers, etc. Please study the above table for a full breakdown of the different rights of the process stakeholders.

Note: If multiple Approvers are listed the process will require the approval of each to progress on.