Add a Batching Record

Click here for a webinar on the batching module.

1. Enter Batch Record Details

Enter Batch Record Details
  1. Select the date and time of the batch.
  2. Enter the traceability number of the batch.
  3. Any procedures selected in the programme will appear here. Click to view the document.
  4. Adjust the batch size if necessary. When you adjust the batch size the batch ingredient quantities will adjust accordingly.
  5. The quantity of each ingredient as defined in the programme appears here. If the programme was setup as a Percentage Model the quantities will not be editable - the batch size can be updated for the material quantities to update.
  6. The unit of measurement defined in the programme is displayed here for each ingredient. If required, adjust the units accordingly.
  7. Any notes for the ingredient defined in the programme appear here. This field can also be updated to add notes if required.
  8. The percentage of each ingredient in the overall batch is displayed in this column (if the percentage model was enabled in the programme).
  9. Enter the traceability number for each ingredient. If you have more than one trace number for an ingredient click the + symbol to add a line (see below).
  10. Click the Added By field to select yes to indicate that you have added the ingredient to the batch.
  11. After completing the 'Added' field, the users name will populate automatically under 'Added By' (If it does not populate automatically, this is due to the Users name not being connected to their employee name and therefore you can click into the field to select the employee name from MasterData).
  12. For each step select Yes/No to indicate the step has been completed.
  13. After completing the Complete field the users name will populate automatically under Completed By (If it does not populate automatically, this is due to the Users name not being connected to their employee name and therefore you can click into the field to select the employee name from MasterData).
  14. When the batching programme does not have the percentage model enabled the quantities field for each item can be updated if required. This will automatically then update the batch size field. No percentage breakdown will appear under the Percentage column.

1.1. Split Ingredient Trace Numbers

Split Ingredient Batch

Often you may find that you need to split an ingredient across two or more different batches. To do so simply:

  1. Click the plus icon for the ingredient.
  2. Enter your split quantities and corresponding traceability information.

2. Complete Monitoring Record

Complete Monitoring Record & Launch Corrective Action

If the Batching Programme requires that you complete a testing regime on the batch then the corresponding Monitoring Records will be created automatically for you at this step.

  1. The name of the programme and the monitoring record name is displayed. Click the record link (Under Status) to be taken straight to the relevant monitoring record in the monitoring module. The status of the record completion will update automatically.
  2. Enter a report if necessary with any observations or notes you have made.

Remember: If needed, a Corrective Action can be launched through the Actions dropdown.