Add a Material / Ingredient

1. Enter Ingredient / Material Details

Enter Ingredient / Material Details
  1. Enter the name of the ingredient/material. It is best practice to include the material identifier code in the name.
  2. Enter the internal identification number or tracing code for this ingredient/material.
  3. Define a folder for the ingredient/material. This helps you organise your materials into logical groups so they can be easily sourced.
  4. Choose the material category for the supplier you are adding. If you do not have any material categories you can add them to the Categories Module in Master Data.
  5. Select any other category the material falls into. Again, if you do not have any categories and wish to add some, you can add them into the Categories Module in Master Data.
  6. If applicable, enter a barcode number associated with the material. Use a comma to separate multiple barcodes associated with the material. Note: this field is used in conjunction with the Receiving & Inspection Module barcode test where an item can be scanned at receiving to ensure it has the correct barcode (the system looks back here to check the barcode of the material when scanned and will flag as a fail if the scanned code is different to any code listed in this field).
  7. Select the country of origin for the material. Click 'Add Line' to add as many as required.
  8. Enter a brief description of the ingredient/material.
  9. Define any known hazards for this ingredient/material.
  10. Conduct a brief risk assessment and enter your justification in the report field (This risk can be considered as the inherent risk of the material. You can conduct assessments on this material coming from each supplier and during the assessment risk assess the material coming from the supplier in question).

2. Select Identity Preservation (if applicable)

Select Identity Preservation (if applicable)

1. If the ingredient / material has identity preservation you should select all identities here.

3. Enable Periodic Review

Enable Review

If you wish to review your ingredient/material on a scheduled basis you can set that here. A review record will open in the Management Review Module.

1. Set the start date which is the date you want the record to first open on.

2. Set the frequency at which you want records to automatically generate on e.g. 1 Year.

3. Set an action notice e.g. 6 days, if you want the review record to open in advance of the date set.

4. Tick Send Email Notification to add users who should be notified when the review record opens.

4. Select Ingredient / Material Specifications

Select Ingredient / Material Specifications

Here you can link your specifications to your ingredient/material. Your ingredient/material specifications are documents that you have uploaded to the Documents Control module. The approval status of your material/ingredient in Safefood360° depends on the approval status of the specification documents. Click View to go to the document.

5. Supplier Document Settings

When suppliers complete material assessments for this specific material you can have set users approve the documents attached in the assessments. So for example perhaps a certain user is in charge of reviewing and approving documents for all packaging materials assessed, by listing the user or users here they will be notified by email to review and approve the material documents provided by the suppliers of the material.

  1. Just like the Documents module you can assign users to approve documents when they are uploaded. Click 'Add Line' to add multiple people to the approval workflow.
  2. You can set who will review the documentation.
  3. You can set who will approve the documentation. You can choose to have some people first review and then move on to some final approvers. You can decide to just set approvers and have no reviewing.
  4. You can assign users to receive email notifications each time a document is uploaded and fully approved.

6. Relationships

In the supplier relationship section, you can associate and define (if applicable) exactly which suppliers send you the material you are adding. You can then define the relationship the suppliers have with the material you are adding e.g. do they manufacture the material or do they just supply it to you (this may be the case for a broker/agent).  Adding here the suppliers who provide the material to you, will automatically update the supplier's details in MasterData to show they provide you with the material (this is in the material relationship section). You can add against each supplier the code/identifier the supplier has for the material i.e. the Supplier Material Code.

  1. This is the supplier's identifier number. It will appear here automatically after you select the supplier.
  2. This is the supplier's name, click into the field and choose the supplier's name.
  3. For each supplier listed, if they have a code for the material it can be added here i.e., this is the supplier's material code. Simply type the code into the field (if the material and supplier relationships were defined in a pre-assessment record, the supplier material code for the material will populate here automatically).
  4. Define the relationship the supplier you have just selected has with the material you are adding to the system. Choose either Manufacturer or Supplied By from the drop-down e.g. brokers, agents, corporate entities may be supplying the material so you would choose 'Supplied By' i.e. they don't directly manufacture the material. If the supplier manufactures the material directly then choose 'Manufacturer'.
  5. If the supplier you have just selected has been associated with a particular supplier category e.g. ingredient or packaging, it will automatically appear here.
  6. If the supplier you have just selected has been associated with a particular supplier type e.g. agent or manufacturer, it will automatically appear here.
  7. The risk of the supplier will automatically appear here. The risk appearing here will come from the most recent supplier assessment record completed (If the risk assessment stage was enabled and completed in the assessment record). This will appear blank if there has been no risk assessment.
  8. The approval status of the supplier will automatically appear here.  The approval status comes from the most recently completed assessment record for the supplier (approval stage). If no assessment has been completed this will appear blank.
  9. If relationships are defined here and later a supplier is archived in Master Data, the box 'Archived' will be ticked to indicate they have been archived but the relationship once existed.
  10. You can quickly access the supplier MasterData form by clicking 'View'.
  11. Add as many relationships as required by clicking 'Add Line'.
  12. To remove a supplier relationship click the X button.

If you have customers for which the material you are adding is approved for (i.e. material approved to use in making your customers final product), you can add them here.

  1. This is the customer's identifier number. It will appear here automatically after you select the customer.
  2. This is the customer's name, click into the field and choose the customer.
  3. The customer category will automatically appear here if completed in the customer's details in Master Data.
  4. If relationships are defined here and later the customer is archived in Master Data, the box 'Archived' will be ticked to show this.
  5. You can quickly access the customer you have selected by clicking 'View'.
  6. Add as many customers as required by clicking 'Add Line'.